
The one thing we're not quite sure of, though, is how worried anyone should have been by the prospect of a guy who couldn't hit maybe trying to hit them.

Plus, he's white.

His first three college games, ever. Against teams ranked #11, #1, and #2. In the divisional championship game, the Sugar Bowl, and the National Championship.

3 "average" games? I'm guessing not only are you an Oregon fan but you've been lost in Texas for 3 days now and have lost all sense of perspective.

I'm sorry, but before you talk anymore shit I'm going to have to see your stat sheet from when you came off the bench unexpectedly and whomped three of the best teams in the country en route to a National Championship.

This is exactly right. I live in a very rural place and getting to a Gamestop is no small feat for me, let alone going to JAPAN. I once believed I would never have an opportunity to own a Mew. Thankfully, I found a way to "cheat" one into my game. I didn't give him increased stats or an improved movepool or anything.

any% WR

But if you play it once a year...then why don't you just keep playing the copy you already have?

So save a lot less often.

So, would a stillbirth be the equivalent of glitching to the end credits without completing any levels?

They often have to change their numbers when their phones have been taken as part of a rape investigation.

Like, why the fuck would she leave her couch there?

It's actually a joke about me being an asshole. If it was about apathy, I wouldn't have made the joke.

If you're the keeper, do you trust the ref to know that throwing it into the goal results in a goal kick, or do you try to save the ball?

+1 for profiling

I will never understand how a persons first response to a story like this, is concerning the time they let their kids go to bed. Seriously? That's all you have to say about this?

that's the important thing to take away from this. well done. you are truly a shining beacon in the darkness that is humanity.

I'm an old grump and just cannot fathom how kids think this shit is funny. They are LITERALLY putting peoples' lives in danger let alone wasting valuable Community resources to respond to these fake calls.