
People are greedy, how surprising.

This seems like a great idea that will have a ton of unintended consequences.


SVU is no longer my go-to for FIFTEEN DEAD HOOKERS IN AN ALLEY storytelling.

This reads like a giant oxymoron. I just can’t get behind a tv show taking a stand against rape culture when their entire business model revolves around sensationalizing rape.   

And a ten year gap between 48 and 38 isn’t as egregiously “here’s your firm young reward!” as with an eighteen year old or something.


I don’t know much of Adam Levine, but his face is punchable. He may be decent or do nice things? I don’t know, but my inner angst starts building when I see him.


A fetus a day keeps the doctor away.

Thanks to that bill I have to eat cookies for breakfast.

To be fair, I would have done the same... smart bear. MMMMMM, bacon.

....or don’t they?

I actually think it’s important for someone like Beyoncé to be consumed as a paragon of feminism for people (predominantly young women) whose exposure to political ideology is facilitated by pop culture moreso than any other vehicle. I fully appreciate her for what she represents, it’s the rabid “bey hive” business

That’s fair. Relatively speaking (as far as pop music is concerned) she is preferable to the majority of other artists, I just don’t understand the obsession. But hey, she’s a woman, she’s Black, she is body and sex-positive and she identifies as a feminist (questionable lyrical content about catering to her man

i’ll just be here, watching this for the rest of my life

Don’t blame me. I voted for Boaty McBoatface.


At the risk of keeping myself grey for all eternity, Beyonce really isn’t as great as everyone thinks she is. I’m always here for POC getting their check, but she’s not the be(y)-all and end-all.

Happy accidents in the kitchen! That’s supposedly how ganache came about.