
One of my favorites, though I’ve never used it in conversation because I’m afraid I’d just start laughing halfway through and butcher it.

Be honest, did you get that line from Player Piano?

Wee cuddlebug!

Totally ask about his Thanksgiving plans! A group friend meal might be just the ticket for improving your outlook.

Garg. I am bracing for four days at my mother’s house over the holidays. Difficult mother-daughter relationships are.... difficult. Solidarity?


There she is! I figured out how to post a pic! She’s totally wigged out on the nip!

I’ve had an impressively shit week, tho I know it could’ve been worse. I think it’s just that I hate the holidays and the weather has been weird here and the world is burning. So let’s find something good: my kid started a new school and he’s settled in better than I could have hoped.

Our senior Frenchie had a vet visit this week that wasn’t super optimistic. My husband is really freaking out - he got Pete right after a bad breakup and they’ve been besties ever since. We’re long distance for the next 3 weeks and im hoping that whatever next week’s additional testing shows isn’t something that needs

I am allergic to something in my house and I don’t know what, but this allergy somehow manifests in coughing and some of the worst fatigue I have ever experienced. Also I had a fight with my mom today and cried more than I have in a while, which also makes me tired. So that’s my shitty week! I’m sorry you’re having

I’m partial to ‘Panda,’ but that’s just me.

What’s been a hit with my family when it was my turn to make a dessert was an apple upside down cake. Seasonal, and less heavy than a two layer frosted affair.

What’s everyone cooking for Thanksgiving? Are you in charge of the whole meal or just one dish? I’m making bread, so I’m making multigrain multi seed bread, some plain white rolls for my husband’s grandma (she’s 93, she can eat what she wants, also she did not like the walnut cheese bread I made one year. At all.) And

Oh my God. I’m so so so sorry you’re going through this. This right here should only happen when we’re old and have lived long, full lives. My heart is breaking for you.

Me too, believe me. And they serve it with this fantastic sweet rice. But I was so pissed that I just left it there. I would have had to wait for them to wrap it up so . . . the sacrifices we make for our principles, I guess.

Sister in law

Yeah, I...don’t want to click that.

I watched this and I want my money back

I’ve never seen any of Girls so my main frame of reference for her is people defending/crucifying her here and The Onion’s article about her eating a burrito while shitting herself at the gynocologist being in an episode of her show.

Z Nation is a hilarious show. Actually, a captivating and hilarious show. Not everything has to be “stare at each other to five minutes of dramatic music”.