
You’re here aren’t you?

Reminds me of The Office when Ryan explains Creed asked him to make him a website and Ryan just opened a word doc and Creed bought it.

I’ll camp out with ya anytime, Furlock! :)

Yes, charming Furlock, it is a humble-brag. At least when I say it, there’s no mistaking it:)

C’mon. You know you’re humble-bragging

OMG, this.

To you, Human Error.

A true American hero.

This is why I still have Facebook.

I know right? Way to miss the point. Twitter shouldn’t be a president’s official platform.

I don’t think this show will ever be able to top an opening line like “Max, the dog is eating your pussy blood again!”

I hate how social media has become a necessary evil to advance your career.

His/her last day.

That’s what I was thinking. To think she had to deal with that, while playing a consort must have been very horrid.

Boy, remember when everyone was talking about how “crazy” she was on Boardwalk Empire? Good times.

Sadly, this is part and parcel of how he produced movies.

This fucker better rot in a cage.

Well, that’s terrible.

Medium suspected. Nice Dwight

Why else would the shooter aim for the shoulder and the hip?