
Wake me up when Arab women are allowed to walk through the front door of their own house.

Genuinely asking - is there an actual reason for not naming the “A-lister” other than inciting people to guess? Like is there some accountability thing you’d want to avoid even though you’re an anonymous internet commentator?

Apparently Spacey is notorious for taking breaks away from the set of House of Cards to enjoy blowjobs out in his car from willing young crew members.They all know about it.

What? Kevin Spacey has been doing shit like this forever. This isn’t really news, unless every single person he has messed with is going to come forward. They will have to rent out a space though, and Spacey would probably be happy to show up. He’s a sick dude, by all accounts. People have tolerated it.

I do. But I had a work event, got home late, my mom was over taking care of the dog and was chatting and so everything was a bit off. I woke up this morning without the melatonin hangover, so I’m gonna bet that I didn’t take three of them. Go me.

Oh Furlock, I simply cannot abide Peanut Butter (allergic). But oh how I miss it! Your recipe sounds like something from the Elysian Fields, and bless-ed are we who can cross over and taste this:)

Accomplishment is overrated. As long as you’re paying your own bills, eat drink and be merry.


Pretty sure my ovaries just imploded. She is sooooooo cute!

Because I’m so tired between a week stay at the hospital, fiance in rehab for a week, and a 16 hour work day today—I’m tired.

I hear you, I really do. I’ve significantly cut down the amount of time I spend with them, but there’s still that crushing guilt aspect. It’s fine, really, and it’ll be over quickly... though as you know, a hot fart can linger for awhile even after the perpetrator has left.

I’m laughing because of that image, which actually made me feel better. Thank you!

Happy Birthday! Cupcakes!

Yes!! That would be a lovely gesture (that YOU would think of). I’m all for a celebratory mass ungreying. Those of us who do not satisfy can always be tossed out again.

Meteor, I think you are onto something. To celebrate Jezebel’s birthday (as used to be the tradition in Queendoms of yore), how about a mass ungreying?

I gave up around episode 4? 5? It was SO boring. The gem of the season, for me, was Cassidy and Fiore’s drug fueled rendezvous. I’m willing to read a good recap of the season though and give the third a shot.

10 years ago was FIFTH GRADE? Fuck I am old and have accomplished nothing. Take me out back and shoot me now.

Why don’t you go and fuck yourself?

UGH I had to discipline an intern today! I feel terrible. He missed a deadline. It’s not the end of the world, but he had plenty of time and he put the assignment off. In terms of his professional development, I felt it was important that he knew that blowing past a deadline is not acceptable.

I really hope not. The fact that Gamby is cordial to Ray now is one of my favorite things. He is still a dick to his ex wife though which makes it even funnier. I love Ray if he turns out to be the shooter I will be devastated.