
My brother was in a horrendous vehicle fire and survived. He was also so pumped up on adrenaline that he was able to tell EMTs exactly what happened and why, as well as having the presence of mind to ask what hospital he was being taken to, mentioning his daughter worked at hospital nearby (describing the hospital he

Boy, you’re generous with what you have to say about Oswalt’s style of stand-up comedy. Watching his specials left me utterly baffled—all he does is repeat real-life incidents with as much humor as Trump on Puerto Rico. Like another pre-cut-off-dummy-Trump-head Kathy Griffin only even less gossipy funniness. Much

I am pretty sure that would be considered prejudicial information and even bringing it up in open court would have triggered a mistrial or at least the grounds for a solid appeal & retrial.

Makes me want to wander around without a mini map.

Something this story doesn’t mention: When Tellis was arrested for this crime, he was incarcerated in Louisiana awaiting trial for the torture and brutal murder of another young woman. He bragged to friends that he tortured that victim to death to make her give him her ATM pin, and he used her card to withdraw

It does not at all sound like Eric/Derek. That K at the end comes from a way different part of your mouth than any kind of S.

A jury of your peers. God help us all.

So all the evidence point to him but because the firefighters might have heard her say another name WHILE SHE WAS ON FIRE, he’s aquitted? How can those jurors sleep at night? That name could be anything, she could have remembered a tv show or the kid sitting next to her in first grade. She probably wasn’t thinking


Smart women are a threat. Let’s publish ALL of the same stuff nearly word for word with boys as the protagonists and call it the hardy boys. Then it will be OK. (wink)

Some pretty impressive misogyny just beneath the surface of your own comment there.

And perhaps one for Leopold Mozart and Hallyne?

Unrelated, are we not going to get an obituary for Mr. Lahey?

Me theory is that he’s gay and in the closet. The only way hatred towards LGBTQ people runs that deep is if it’s tied to self-hatred.

Why is it that the Republicans always seem to be the candidates with the totally bizarre ideas? Not, like, “abolish the police” or “guaranteed minimum income” or other products of a sufficiently radical philosophy, but rather things like “the Illuminati secretly coats my teeth with talcum powder while I sleep”?

Harmonicas are the musical instrument of the devil.

Agree somewhat. In general I think GameFreak has just reached that point where they’re struggling to find new concepts to add because they believe they have to otherwise the base “won’t be satisfied.” They’re making things overly bloated while skipping over minor tweaks that could wind up having a bigger impact and

This, too. I’m convinced Trump has a shot at winning in 2020 unless he is literally arrested for murder or gets the same kind of exposure that Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein received. Pence? Nah.

I am gay, yes. That’s how strongly I feel about this.

Yes, Pence is a lot less likely to start a land war in Asia.