
That’s some dark shit, Furry. Maybe I could make a movie where I lure teenagers to my local 7-11 with promises of buying them beer & summarily dismember their bodies in the back room & sell their flesh as 7-11 hot foods.

Hey Furlock! What’s up?

Hush on Netflix is really good.

Sounds like a terrible dinner. My wife asked me if we should “go see the new Jennifer Lawrence movie” and I said no. She asked why, so I described the ending for her. She... did not want to see what I described, especially since she’s currently pregnant.

As Scorsese mentioned in his article, more divisive films like Darren Aronofsky’s Mother! get short shrift in this system simply because they can’t be “easily defined or interpreted or reduced to a two-word description.”


That’s how power works: even people who’ve been on the receiving end of it can still translate into “harmless” or “joking” while wielding it themselves. Gay man grabs a boob and it’s okay because he’s not straight; he gets a hit of the same power a straight man would but doesn’t think of it as “the same thing.”

I married the one who blames his farts on the dog.

Jesus. 3 dead cats. How fast did it happen? I’m happy everyone got out ok but that sounds really traumatic.

This is why I’m always telling my roommate to clean the fucking lint trap & get renters insurance. Was everyone ok?

I’m here for you, Furry. I get it. Hair dryer, really? That’s crazy.

Is yr sis in NoCal? I’m sorry about the shit yr going through, especially with the kidney stones. Better now?

Thank you for letting me know, love. That’s such good news.

I’ve missed you, Furry! Where have you been? I assure you, you are not a bastard. (Unless you are?)

Yes. I was joking :)

Yes, thought this was the best part too. Hopefully he changes a few minds.

That’s what I thought! I saw the screencap and was like “who is that??”, then saw the headline, and my lady boner wilted into a question mark

Drop the Bodak Yellow beat on this flow and you’ve got a new #1 song.

Yeah, only one more episode with Fey - I think she’s left Katie in a much more interesting place before Fey’s character got there.