
I can never understand why people get pissed off when someone does a good thing just because they feel like some other specific good thing should be done instead.

You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

This is a very strange way of going about it but I’m 100% serious when I say, hey, whatever works. It’s a great initiative.

Yes, you notice how Hillary’s hair is always carefully arranged to cover her prison tats.

Thank you. That shit looked terrible when my mom and other midwestern church ladies were wearing it in the 80s. Thirty+ years has not helped it turn into anything more attractive.

Oh, this is a very good point!

Also according to the recap above, on her first day she apparently asked someone if he “became gay” because of a gay TV character. She can fuck right off, sloppily!

Thanks! I’m not the same person but I’m A Person so that’s good.

Thank you! I am taking everybody’s kind words to the mat this evening when I do my DDP Yoga! And my frelling pulmonary function exercises!

That’s the thing. Some people delve into these worlds so deeply that they think that anyone who doesn’t memorize the deep minutia of the world is slacking. They can’t seem to wrap their mind around the fact that game journalists play probably 4 different games a week, and can’t be expected to know every detail that

Thank you! I need all of the encouragement I can get!

I kind of halfheartedly swiped them, but spent a good twenty minutes scraping cat hair off the couch!

Happy to oblige!

Our kitchen faucet, for the last two nights, has completely and abruptly refuse to work out of nowhere, then started again for no reason. Like it works fine, my husband’s trying to get the dishes washed, and when he goes to turn it on there’s no water, than twenty minutes later it’s back to normal. If it is a ghost it

Thanks, it’s been harder than I thought. Much appreciated. Yay, I’m me again but more outcome-oriented.

For as much as I enjoy delving into the lore of interesting worlds in video games, I could not imagine being as pedantic about it as you. I wouldn’t give two shits if, for instance, someone didn’t know about the name of the Vex Mind that made contact with Crota in Destiny. It’s such an incredibly minor detail that it

It was like, I saw two people standing outside my house, then I came back and they were still standing in the exact same position. Then it was like I could see multiple timelines and it was pulling mine apart.

A wine rack for $5 at the thrift store. Since it was a bargain, I have more money left to buy enough wine to fill it. A win win (or is that wine wine) situation.

I got the vacuuming and dusting done!

This week I filed two articles, my first after a year off work recovering from a brain injury. And I ran 15k in one go, the farthest I’ve gone in about ten years.