
Whenever I want to masturbate in a car service I call Luber®.

Sweetie, you really don’t have to apologize to this person for talking about your traumatic experience any way you want. You didn’t say anything wrong. People use the term “clean” all the time and most of us know you are not saying that those with STIs are “unclean.”

For sure we’re missing a fuckton of context... That video looks like the final scene. I have questions. For one, what started all this... two, what’s up with that hat he’s wearing...

Yes BTW I certainly am a bitch about these people who’ve stolen black culture, parades around token interchangeable black men, and have unleashed a toxic self-centered and look based currency culture like never before that ultimately hurts scores of women in this and future generations- all for their pure profit.

you ain’t fucked till you fucked a bouncy house.

I am glad I do not know who this cash me outside girl is.

I reeeally didn’t get that part. You ARE allowed to approach an officer to ask its name & badge number. They’re not allowed to attack you and arrest you for asking their name.

For democracy to survive it requires an informed electorate.

Alright, that’s enough news for today. I’m gonna start my evening now.

So, I just had to take an at home STD test this month (my boyfriend cheated. I’m working myself through it), and waiting that week for my results was fucking terrifying. I’ve been in the relationship for ten years, and didn’t have that much sexual experience before it, I was a little more relaxed with safe sex and

This does bring up an important issue— which creature will be the next MALE beauty icon?? Babadook? Slenderman? Krampus?...

And they are *usually* terrible in bed because they’ve never had to try.

For reals.

Please do try to remember that the “some of the other ways people have responded” might be because they too have suffered sexual assault.

Fuck you. You have no idea what you’re talking about or who you are talking to with that privilege bullshit. You are fine with rape as punishment for women you don’t like. You are disgusting.

Actually it’s pretty much exactly what I imagined.

They’re named in alphabetical order to help you keep track of them... supposedly.... The other way is more memorable, though.

Greetings from the rabbit hole. She has a name: Jane Barbe.

Agreed. I’m tired of people linking things together. I can believe she’s a garbage person. I can also believe Fox is a garbage network. And I can also feel horrible this happened to her.

I really doubt it. They all seem to have that Mad Men era chauvinism. The whole republican party for that matter and politics in general. I know a female aide for a republican senator and she is always telling me about sexual harassment she has to deal with from co-workers and other senate staffers. She says the