
Lazy with a capital Z.

Oh, yes. I agree on both points, vigorously. Larry Wilmore would have found his feet quite rapidly.

Oh for fuckSAKE, brosephines. Look, cop to it, if you actually invited any female photographers at all, you invited ONE, and she couldn’t attend, and you had no Backup Token.

Absolutely the worst hair for it too, I thought I was looking at Dolly Parton’s 50 year old daughter. Did not recognise Gaga.

All I can think is “holy crap she must be so hot”

“Metal Chainsaw Nun” will become an anime, mark my words.

I see a new series outta Ryan Murphy starring Sarah Paulson and Jessica Lange:

Not sure why this is news? Nuns have been badasses since time immemorial.

Hey whoa, the left one is TERA and that does not affect your mobility, but the right one is Dark Souls and nekkid is a completely legit combat strat

I’m a post-apocalyptic fiction author. When I needed a cover for my new novel which has a female protagonist, the artist suggested I comb through stock photo collections to find a basis for the work they would do. It was the most depressing goddamn thing. Bikinis, miniskirts, heels, and gas masks will be the

Really not trying to notallmen here, but as a fan of both sex and violence, personally I really prefer the two to be separate.

That picture is horrible for conveying the “High Level RPG Female Armor” trope, because the set on the right is actually the starting armor for both men and women of the “deprived” job class in Dark Souls (it’s literally just the underclothes, because they’ve been “deprived” of actual armor). So it’s not “high level”

I don’t mind ridiculous armour as long as it’s available for men and women.

I’m not shocked. Have you ever seen someone figuring out how to use a dust pan? Same concept but in a much darker room that desperately needs to be swept

I’ll never understand men. If you’re playing a video game about killing as your goal, why do you need the lady avatars to be sexualized? Fingers crossed no one is pausing the game to jerk off to the lady avatars mid killing spree. So there just doesn’t seem to be a reason for her to essentially have an Eve fig leaf

I know, I hear you! Jared Leto is another one who gains and drops weight like I turn lights on and off with a switch. His control over the appearance is astonishing. But he has said that he will never gain weight like he did for Chapter 27 ever again– that it was foolish and dangerous.

Why are they dirty? The Vikings were notoriously obsessed with their looks, they’ve found tons of combs, hair accesories, mirrors, razors, trimmers, and more in Viking settlements, in their boats, etc. Both men and women seemed to prioritise grooming and looking neat. I don’t understand why people think that everyone

They were confused by the absence of boob-armor, leather thongs, high-heel boots and thigh-high chainmail leggings.

Christian Bale’s latest metamorphosis proves that weight gain or weight loss can transform some individuals into completely different people. To my eyes, the man pictured above is literally unrecognizable as Christian Bale.