
Nah, that happened in oakland when tech did another boom in the last 10 yrs. All of a sudden you could call a cop who might actually show up, the grocery store had landscaping, trash cans were on sidewalks and serviced, roads paved, and there were less buses/route changes. 

Also white people running at night means you have to move soon.

Sure. You’re not attached to that arm, are you? I mean, in more than the literal sense?

Sure. You’re not attached to that arm, are you? I mean, in more than the literal sense?

Doing better tonight, furry?

Hey the uneducated poor are an important part of the GOP’s base.
Long game = success!

Edit: Plus, while the GOP sells the fantasy of riches, they can call out “other poor people” as undesirable!

Nothing keeps the plebes off your doorstep like good old infighting!

It’s like a sad stoner on a park bench, while nearby Andrew Jackson tries to grab Barack Obama’s butt.

Given that this is trump’s America, and therefore I expect the worst in everything, I would bet a million dollars that the clinic will close.

what in the actual fuck am i looking at here?

That’s just normal human makeup. Her real picture:

Right she could have been like, on the bright side we can anal now.

My hot take was...she’s done this before.

Furry, you could never be untoward towards me. I gotchoo.

Bonus: they can sell all their wedding paraphernalia to a couple of Lakers fans who also want a themed wedding.

They’re comically evil, like Captain Planet villians had more fleshed out and nuanced moral epistemologies.

I’m wearing a planet fitness t shirt right now! I could’ve been their maid of honor.

That’s great for home but doesn’t work well in an office situation because of fire alarms & whatnot, which is why I threw the can of Febreeze in the garbage.

By removing forced protections, they’re creating a survival-of-the-“fittest” situation where “fittest” is whoever they like most as a demographic.

It involves chemistry and a little bit of biology.

Chemistry: You see, the head of the match contains sulfur. Now, when you light a match, this sulfur reacts with the oxygen present in air and creates sulfur dioxide, a highly pungent and colorless gas.

Biology: The olfactory receptors in our bodies are very sensitive to

I also like to get my ass licked during sexytimes but obviously that would be a no-go in that situation. But next date... :)