
I support this!

I’m getting full body carpal tunnel from the constant cringe brought on by Trump’s dementia driven word vomit. At the end of every post featuring dipshit Don, can we get a throwback magical quote from the magnificent former President Obama? Even his coffee orders would be more erudite.

Wait a minute that’s not a fun fact at all.

overwhelming number of commitments in the Fall

You are right it’s better off on the CW. CBS has been allergic to serialized storytelling for years (POI & The Good Wife notwithstanding).

Thank you. I don’t know how to say it exactly, but it means a lot to know that someone understands how tough this has been. Internet stranger empathy can be a really wonderful thing.

It totally sucked. And while I’m still kind of bummed, he had some shit to work through (which he definitely wasn’t) before he could be a good friend.

Yeah, he pulled the ‘I know this isn’t the best time, but I’ve always kind of liked you...’ nonsense. I was very gentle with him, but mae sure he knew it was a hard pass. After that, he would get really mean with me about any relationship stuff I was going through.

Meh. They probably just prop good sturdy chairs up under the...lock thingies.

You guys I made a big pot of from-scratch hot and sour soup using dried mushrooms and lily buds and zhen Jiang vinegar and shaoxing rice wine and now I have pulled a thick black hair out of my big pot of soup and my hair is thin and pale and I am so sad and conflicted — should I be like Abbi and throw it away? Or take

Brava and bravissima to Furlock Daughter!! Well played. Don’t wait for them to expect you.

Why no eating at Subway? I also never eat there, but I’m curious why that would be a rule.

After spending several years photographing the local burlesque scene I am really burned out on the idea of nudity being automatically either titillating or especially interesting on its own. Something about having emcees talk a great line about the importance of burlesque as performance art shortly before urging the

Ehh, just hook the ankle and push, & his own bulk will topple him. Once he’s on the ground, he ain’t getting up too easily, so you’ll have plenty of leisurely time to plant one kitten-heeled foot on his throat.

Love your whole last paragraph. My home interior isn’t even trying to be magazine or even instagram aspirational, but it’s my home. Every piece has a story and makes me happy.

This has been my point since yesterday. Until he can PROVE that he is not incapacitated by the cancer, he shouldn’t be doing Senate stuff. Like Gabby Giffords when she got shot.

At least now I don’t feel bad about not being too tore up over his having brain cancer.

Seriously. All the face-fanning about the big tough war hero is getting on my very last nerve. Every bad thing he ever endured, he used to justify making somebody else go through even worse.

Maybe they could just light the entire senate floor on fire while laughing maniacally? That sounds about as good for the American people as any other GOP plan.