
I am (GULP for admitting this online, but love you guys so I trust you....) 33 years old. My whole life I romantically imagined myself dying very very young. I am only now realizing that my extremely poor life planning was not just the result of an intelligent, lively, and ambitious teenager finally confronting

Sure, sometimes she is less horrible than other times. You don’t get a medal for that.

I would LOVE to see a mini-series about Olivia watching Feud, the court case, and the race towards resolution before her 102nd birthday!!!!! Maybe even directed by Ryan Murphy.

Gotta agree... the way Trump fuels Keith’s foxy seething is the gift that keeps on giving (to us).

It also sounds like a flags-and-guns porn actress name

It really is so terrible. WHAT is going on there?

Damn, so many people’s idea of fun is waiting in line usually in the sun for things they might not ever get into. (See E3, Coachella, Anime Expo, Disneyland, Comic-Con, popular LA nighclubs at 12am)

If their sentience remained post-puree, then you have to imagine that it remains even as they travel through you.

Now I want to see someone jiggle that tubby kitty!

Bobby Finger.

No such thing as a fat cat. There’s just more cat to love!

Um, can I come and live at your place?

Are potatoes the royalty of tubers?

“Ugh it hasn’t even been a year.”

nah, cooking kills things at a cellular level, it denatures proteins and shit.

cosbiz. That’s what we should call it.

He looks a bit small, which I only say because you know who’d be great to cosplay as Doomfist: Terry Crews.

I’m of the opinion that once a cosplayer starts making money off their work (i.e. no longer doing it just for the funs) it’s not cosplay anymore, it’s just modeling.

Blizzard themselves hired the model and the prop-makers for this. It’s not cosplay, either, it’s straight-up marketing. I’m absolutely not saying there’s

Mate it’s the UK. If you can’t handle the 51 weeks of pissing rainstorms unaided then you’re in the wrong fucking country. 

How is it possible to ban hoodies in a country that rejects umbrellas? Is the British stance: if you can’t survive soaking wet for 5 months you don’t deserve to live.?