
The thing is, excepting certain career choices, why the hell do you WANT to stay out until 3 am on the regular in your thirties? And if it’s that damn important to you why not try to meet SOs who are also night owls/party animal types? How can you get to your third decade and not expanded what constitutes a “fun

Ugh, the WORST. And he doesn’t even come to your place is the most insulting part!

Oh girl, ouchie! Tuck yourself in and deal in the morning. But write a note to yourself and put it on your glasses or clock about the broken pottery and dirt so you don’t forget and walk across it.

I took a 2 hour nap...

Looking for a little advice. My fiance has always had a bit of a drinking problem, but it has progressed to being full blown alcoholic. I bring it up regularly that his drinking is causing a strain on our relationship and he insists that he doesn’t have a problem. He doesn’t have the same roadblocks a lot of

Does anyone have any advice for how to stop feeling like you’ve burdened the people you love after experiencing sexual assault? I can’t be the only one who feels this way. It’s been a week since it happened, and I feel like I’ve just talked myself in circles, bothering everyone around me. I’ve got an appointment

UM, what is this magical place?

Let’s see how many margaritas I have tonight

I hope you texted him “I am more than my holes.”

Garden thread !

I’m pouring a big belt of tequila into my limeade; I had a rough day. A COTTONMOUTH INVADED MY SUNROOM.

Self Care Thread:

Boy, it sure is a good thing we don’t have a gun problem in this country.

Seeing a panicked stranger’s dick is but one of the many glories of nature, my friend.

My love/hate is Fear Thy Neighbor. I am just convinced that all neighborly squabbles (or even just the casual hello at the mailbox) will eventually end in bloodshed.

So? It was meant here to indicate that the trains run on time (which I personally find a fun tidbit of information seeing as the station is 130 feet underground and 105 years old), and nothing else. There’s zero reason to get worked up about that.

I meant it most sincerely.

Oh, I think you know.

Wait, that WASN’T what Hannah meant???

Plenty of outright criminals are brilliant. That doesn’t excuse them or allow them to break the damn law. If this Templeton the Rat’s loser cousin was so damn brilliant he could have made his money without stealing.