
Okay, but apologies in advance for my long windedness.

I hear that 69 can really hit the Great Red Spot.

Excellent job missing the point!

There’s also nothing wrong with wanting to see more of yourself represented in the entertainment industry. If the OP had said I wish there were more redheads in Hollywood or I wish there were more Wiccans in Hollywood would you have dismissed the OP’s concern with “I’m sure there’s plenty” as you did here? Probably

4 years?


So 2 old games out of 3 dozen and they are doing the same thing? Come on man, you don’t have to like them but don’t pull crap out of your butt to justify you hatred.

I was wondering about that. I mean, everyone knows that these guys pee, right? If they don’t do it in front of a mirror, what’s the harm? Employees all over America have given up their privacy on the job, and they aren’t even armed!

Well, you are always welcome! I loved her in 10 Things. The dad in the fake pregnant stomach suit cracks me up even now.

Every theater geek ever.

It is all about finding your tribe...I had 3 kids in 4 years and if I didn’t have my cool neighbors who didn’t judge or compete, I would not have survived the many moments I wanted to run out of the house screaming because the baby took her poopy diaper off during her nap and decided to make a poopy picasso on the

Starred for emoji/avatar synergy.

I think the tendency to focus on the consent of the woman, comes from the history of men, using alcohol to incapacitate the intended target of their sexual assault, or men using the inebriation to excuse their sexual assault. Alcohol has also been used and is still used to try and minimize the trauma faced by women

I’m surprised that 1) this has never happened before and that 2) no one on ABC’s legal team could see this coming from a gazillion miles away.

I mean, you can’t prosecute a husband and wife for the same crime.

Yup. “Lawyers rappelling down helicopters” dicey.

I would like to eat tapas with you, too!

I agree. This is making me uncomfortable. I am beginning to suspect that OP is playing out a long-game troll scenario, and I do not dig it.

I understand; your post was not clear so that’s why I (and others, I see) jumped to that uber-Freudian conclusion.

It sounds like your daughter is undergoing psychoanalysis or is seeing a shrink who subscribes to Freudian psychology which is notoriously dubious and sexist. She should see someone completely different ASAP, for a second opinion at the very least.