
I burst out laughing when I read it, and obviously have never forgotten it.

I feel this is darkly comedic. A woman is dead, but the map with the ‘x’ on it —for real?!? I had to google it. It is true, but it turns out I was conflating this in my head with a woman who pushed her new (8 days) hubby off a cliff. Who this was so common?

Three of the liquid lip things I got (an Ultra Matte, Ultra Blotted, Ultra Satin) are variations of that Medium Tan fleshy-kind of color range which looks great on people whose skin is 2 to 10 shades darker than mine, but *not* on me. Also too yellow-based for my pink face, so they all look like “did you put bronzer

I don’t know if it’s just a Detroit thing, but they’ve done this with Houdini. Dude died in Detroit in 1926. This can be a weird town.

“Is this going to be edible or some fondant nightmare?”

Speaking of his death, the Detroit media has been kind of gross with it, like they are so proud he died in the city and spoke foundly of the city during his last show. I love my town, but this was embarrassing.

Too lazy to Google, but there was a case a few years back where a guy (naturally) pushed his girlfriend/fiance off a ledge and they found a carefully drawn map in his possessions.

100% the best advice that can be given. PACK NOW! You’ll have to it eventually, and for your own sanity, it’ll be infinitely better to not have to do it after the exhaustion and stress of apartment/house hunting (which will be the same amount of stress regardless)

Bitch face plus “what do you mean by that?” And repeat it like a four year old until he is either embarrassed or forced to be explicit?

He asked if I was married, and I was like “I will be in a few months.” And he goes “that’s plenty of time.” And gave me this gross smile and wink. I wanted to stab him in the eye with a knitting needle.

I’m a weirdo who never really latched onto a stuffed animal.

There’s an old man (really old...like 90) who insisted on being gross and creepy with me at my job in a library last weekend. I talked to my boss, who said they’ve had problems with him in the past, and that he probably targeted to me because I come off as “feminine and passive” due to my southern accent. She said

Story Time this weekend - complete with picture!

I’m putting an offer on a house tomorrow!

Lol me too. It’s just online your comment is just there so people keep responding to it. So you’re like ahhhhh.

I love it

Hee!  I can’t wait to see Comey’s special-occasion gold suit to match those awful Oval Office drapes.

1.) I would watch the shit out of that. 2.) Exactly why is she qualified to teach to dance? Is she like Cathy from Flowers in the Attic and she was a great dancer at one point but then her abusive boyfriend broke her feet and she has to settle for teaching now? Or can anyone just up and teach dance?

I read someplace that Abby Lee thinks she’ll be able to teach dance in prison as her prison work.

Random musing as I sit here drinking scotch and going through tinder(which would be stupid/dangerous if anyone swiped right on me) I wish I could filter out people by name because I really don’t think I could date and or bone someone with my name or my mother and sisters names but those aren’t as common. I also wish