
*raises hand* I’m 40 with zero partner and zero children. I have two lovely dogs, though!

Well, you’re almost exactly two years younger than me and I have zero partner and zero children. So, I’ll probably be having a bottle of wine on the couch for my birthday dinner. *sad trombone*

I have conversations with my dogs. AND my cats. In fact, I talk to one of my cats almost entirely in Spanish - but only that cat. “Hola, Roberto, como esta, mi gato?” Why? Who the fuck knows. I am apparently crazy. I am not a native Spanish speaker, and Bob came from the same shelter as Oswald, and I never spoke to

Same old, same old. Just watching this circus with horror and fascination.

my 2600 is also a Vader model. the only thing I’m missing is games and an RCA to Coaxial adapter.

Stupid and Greedy Dump are basically evil twins sharing the same body. His greed makes him stupid and his stupidity blinds him to the consequences of his greed.

Because very people working at the WH have any historical perspective and the ones that do are using alt-history nonsense as their starting point. I’m sure Trump thinks Nixon was taken down by fake news.

I usually don’t watch clips with her because I know they’ll make me have a rage stroke but I just watched this one and all I can say is call 911, my head is exploding.

Oh, God, you are probably right.

I agree. But it seems a shame that we, like Egypt, might have to rely on the military to bail us out. Lo, how the mighty have fallen. And all at the hands of some balding, two-faced KGB stooge!

that was the main thing that turned me away from the DS3 controller.

She deserves 28 more years.

Nah...A whistle blower should be lauded. Something else should happen to a traitor.

“I was on your show often this fall discussing winning Michigan and how we were going to do it”


Idk Tater, I’m getting more of a Cryptkeeper vibe...

Fuck her, wile I believe her treatment in prison was terrible she still deserves to be in there. 

I read tom Hardy for a secondbsxrolling by. Now I’m giggling, thingkkng of that.

And he was totally grooving on Aunt May. Best bit by far.

OMG the top boss at my job is completely going out of control and I suspect at least a touch of senility. She is 70 and retirement isn’t even on her radar. She is making this place unbearable and I feel like I’m the only person who is willing to call out this madness. Everybody else just goes along with whatever new