
Yeah awhile ago. And yes, humans are the woooorst.

Haven’t seen the show yet but I imagine it’s pretty bleak. I honestly don’t know if I could take it with all that’s going on.

He has been thoroughly examined for any kind of impaction. The giveaway is the smile on his face when he is violating the giraffe. Thanks for the advice though.

Oh, honey, how naive are you that you don’t know the world is full of assholes who are all too happy to fuck other people over?

I have a college friend who’s a bit younger than me, and according to her Facebook page, she just goes to concerts and travels? I think Phish is involved, so take that red flag for what it’s worth. But she seriously doesn’t seem to work, and when she does, it’s just art related? I puzzle over this. She never struck me

I’ve literally never heard about those places giving freebies. And anyways unless they give food, shelter and money, they’re not helping anyone.

this may seem weirdly off-topic, but: your cat could have impacted anal glands if he’s rubbing his butt on stuff like that. might be worth a quick trip to the vet (it’s a relatively routine problem and easy to treat, they just squeeze them to ease the pressure.)

I put away 20% of my income into savings per year and I’m still like ‘it’s not ennnnouuuuughhhh’.

Or getting their parents to pay some of their bills.

Plus they could have put her in serious danger depending on how unhinged the antitrans person is.

I vacillate between exhaustion and rage. This is tiring in and of itself.

I honestly don’t know if I can say good has come of it. The best I can do is feel neutral to some I suppose but there’s too much icky and bad and terrible and creepy.

I’m genuinely confused as to why white men feel oppressed.

I know we’re all grown-ups and supposed to avoid classic tropes of misogyny, but you can’t make a post about “dead in the water” and Anne Coulter and not expect a flood of witch dunking posts...

The actual number of people that actually show up to hear her speak doesn’t matter, it’s all about claiming victimhood that those intolerant liberals won’t let her speak. And it works. By violently protesting or preventing her from speaking, she becomes a martyr for the right. I’d rather show photos of her speaking

See I look shamefully at what’s in my cart and try and convince myself that I do indeed need those Oreos.

Vintage Enquirer only had about one or two headlines on the cover, but they were nothing short of amazing.

Man who Travolta cheated with looks like Travolta.