

I don’t think you’re jaded. Anyone who needs to actively “perform” being a good person is almost invariably a terrible person. I find it creepy and unseemly when people act like that as well.

Sadly, yes. I created the handle on a whim, so not much thought was put into it, but ultimately decided to stick with the name. Kvothe’s instrument of choice in the books is a lute and he owns an inn which serves meals to the local populace. Still waiting on the third book...

He’d feel the same as if any woman did “it”. Disgusted & appalled.

How dare they steal my literotica stories and profit off them....

How dare they put a pro-gay subplot in a movie about a Hermione Grainger fucking a goat-man.

Am I missing something, but didn’t he also cheat on his wife multiple times? That is also inconsistent with being an outspoken male feminist.

I even get that sense that some of these people just spend their days drafting the perfect comment to every single article that comes out. Like what do they even do for a living? By the time I get home from work every article has 900 comments already!

So, he flirted with women and had some consensual sex with a few? I don’t feel outrage. Should I feel outrage?

Can’t stand it. The same names come up in every article and they rarely contribute anything to any discussion besides re-articulating what is already widely accepted by Jezebel readers. It’s like that Facebook friend who comments on an article about racism with “OMG WTF it’s 2017 how does this still happen?”

There are

People are allowed to think someone is an asshole even if their assholish actions are legal.

And why then do we need male ‘feminist allies’ to come to our defense then? We don’t. We’d all be better served if men voiced their opinions less and actually organized the men and put their bodies on the line instead of running their mouth about being ‘male feminists’. How about working at a DV shelter? How about

Pretty much every guy who is an “outspoken male feminist” is a POS. People who lecture other people on how THEY are living their lives incorrectly and the changes THEY need to make are invariably blowhards/assholes. Guys who do this are almost always lying.

I’ll agree with you there. He’s not a great guy from the sounds of it. But his actions also don’t really point to “worst villain ever.”

She left in September of 2014 and continued the relationship until May of 2015. That seems odd.

Walks the walk, but.... when it comes time to walking the walk, he wobbles and stumbles in THE most obvious way.

Well, I’m outraged that the first lady is still claiming she was coerced into the relationship because he was her boss, considering she stayed with him for EIGHT MONTHS after leaving the job.

Yeah I know that guy... the dude who’s outspokenly woke af about LITERALLY EVERYTHING, but then whenever you have a disagreement there’s that tinge of condescension in his voice, and he starts getting really unchill and personal about it.

So, he flirted with women and had some consensual sex with a few? I don’t feel outrage. Should I feel outrage?

The store in Chelsea is always so much fun. I don’t buy anything mind you, but they play no music and get to hear rich people contemplating buying clothes that are really hard(ridiculous) to wear. She creates some really great wearable stuff too, but hearing someone go “so your arm goes here, oh oh I get it” is very