
Well you should be happy to know you’ve completely changed my mind with your shitty inchoate rambling.

Bitter much?

Right? I think it looks hilarious. Always puts a big smile on my face.

*sees comment*


That’s not that terrible of a thing, I don’t think. I mean, if you stretched your ball skin out enough to cover your face, I think you’d stretch most of the wrinkles out of it. Plus, ball hair is similar to a lot of guys’ facial hair (in coarseness/color).

Am feeling oddly inspired and confident I will be triumphant.

Oh, I hear your concerns.

I’m currently trying to find a way to work “savagely anal-probed” into as many conversations as possible

Awesome idea— maybe his next show will feature moths instead of lipstick!

No games have reset buttons anymore and haven’t for a very long time!! And games rarely have them too. These people need to come up with new terminology. At least they stopped saying “cyberspace’.

What’s wrong with all of their mouths?? They look... FURRY. Sticking 3 inches off their faces.

They probably dislike him because he says childish, offensive shit like “death to all jews” under the pretense of a joke. He may be anti-semitic, he may not be. But anyone with a shred of common sense understands some things just are not funny and anyone criticizing him does so rightly in my opinion. It is not edgy.

“But it’s always been a learning and growing experience for me...this whole situation has definitely been that for me. It’s something that I’m going to keep in mind going forward.”

Well, I certainly hope so. But it seems that every time he’s at the center of a controversy, he gets more defensive than introspective, as


Whom Bomb, Thank you Mum?

Starred for the best name choice!

Holy missed opportunity Batman!

Honestly, the environmental damage that a wall like this would do is incalculable. Aside from the politics of it, and just the sheer ridiculousness of the whole thing, that’s the part that really gives me sad.

Wednesday, the President said “The wall is getting designed right now. A lot of people say, oh, oh, Trump was only kidding with the wall. I wasn’t kidding. I don’t kid. I don’t kid.”