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    You’re asexual and a Brit. Who’s apparently a man. See I think you’re a pretentious twat Mortal but I really don’t get how Meteor ‘harassed’ you. If someone is dogging you then you should just ignore them? All that shit you posted, did it make you feel good? Like what’s the fucking point? You couldn’t just ignore her?

    That sounds awful nice Maya, not many people give a shit about their fellow humans (myself included I’m afraid), but that’s really swell you take the time! Hope you have a nice holiday!!!

    I live in a rural farming community. About half of us actually farm the other half just want enormous houses. My newest neighbor’s wife was letting her dog shit in my front yard when they went for nightly runs. I sleep during the afternoon/early evening so I saw her do it repeatedly. I went over and asked politely and

    I would rather pulverize my own genitals in a mortar and pestle made of an amalgam of my beloved dog’s skulls then summarily eat said pulverized testicle pesto on a bed of burning hot nuclear waste than listen to Christmas music. In all honesty though I hope you get to hear your terrible song and that you have a swell

    I hope the holidays expanded that time span and you get good news relatively soon!

    Aww cheer up Wolf, you’re swell!

    Hear Hear Ion! *Noisily bangs his jug of moonshine on the table in agreement!*

    SEAL YOU DONT HAVE TO DO JACK SHIT WITH YOUR FAMILY OR IN-LAWS!!!! It may upset them but who gives a flying fuck? (Your spouse may be upset but if you’re so upset about having to see them it’s a wash) You’re not beholden to your in laws and you don’t owe your family just cause they’re your family. Don’t subject

    Jeepers, I was curious why Bardot followed me so quickly. Had no idea this craziness was happening. Fuck that’s some discursive ranting. She was always pleasant to me. I don’t need the run down but would you just briefly tell me the genesis of all this messiness?

    Can it be spewing champagne? Would make the feigned ignorance more amusing I feel, if it was just violently spraying golden liquid and flailing about.

    Ehh don’t stress too much Yacht, seems like you guys are gonna have a pretty above board set up at the Ritz. Wing it, enjoy each other’s company and unspeakably befoul the sheets with the right ratio of room service and ejaculate. Hope you guys have a swell time!

    Fuck yea Pink! *Excessively complicated congratulatory finger guns*

    I smoke occasiomally, probably about a pack a week. I’d have absolutely no problem quitting with the glaring issue that if I avoid cigarettes for more than three days I get violently constipated. So I guess I’m not ready to give them and pooping up simultaneously.

    AB usually has recipes you can take at a glance so I’m hopeful it’ll turn out well Poodle! Although I must say I preferred fat balding Alton to the current buzz cut skinny version.

    I made bulgogi tonight Ben! Totally pooched the kimchi though, recipe called for a hot load of sesame oil and I listened like a fool! Was my first attempt so now that I have an idea I’ll whip something up, with a reasonable amount of sesame oil to be sure.

    Gird your loins Pumpkin, I shudder at the thought of Christmas Eve Walmart. I used to work there when I was helping my wife through college and I can honestly say I’d rather go down a Slip N’ Slide of barbed wire and vinegar. Good luck!!!

    I don’t know Gech, I gave the episode another watch and I’m still kind of at a loss. I was thinking maybe she was fond of Euphemius and when they didn’t ‘bodyguard’ him well enough...Seems like a reach though as he was her captor. So who knows? Hopefully further reveals incoming.

    I feel like the ‘Y’ in university should behave differently as there’s clearly a fold going through it.

    Hehehehe, and my apologies for jist[sic].

    Thanks for the well wishes Bardot. My month is fine just a real annoying day. Your commiserations do make me feel quite better!