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    Explanation of what?

    That’s very true! Hehe, some lardons will pair nicely with my grilled forearm. Hope you’re doing swell?

    I have no issues with them but hot damn I would’ve loved seeing one lobotimize itself with a lightsaber.

    If I had any problems with an alien introduced in TLJ it was the titty-dicked space manatees.

    Fuck I’m sure the majority of their members can’t even fucking read, even if they could who cares if you spell it right? I got the jist.

    Demolishing your ass crack or wieners respectively? Some fun combination of both?

    I don’t care about Floki that much, he’s just a raving zealot at this juncture to me. When Ubbe made the comment essentially saying he doesn’t know if he can believe him or not because Floki might be insane I found it very apt. Regarding the Bjorn plot I’m pretty fucking confused, I know Kassia was meeting with that

    Her ass crack is just rent asunder with long furrows of scratches.

    Cause ya know who’s great at sex? Virgins! Hehehe, that’s like showing up to Cape Canevaral on launch day with no prior training and expecting to take that shuttle to Mars. I assume you nearly pissed yourself when you heard her say that Seal?

    I’m afraid no amount of ointments will remove the scar.


    Seriously, let them get their fucking abortions. I feel I’d have better luck trying to understand the emotional intricacies of a sea cucumbers bowel movements than even attempt to understand why anyone who isn’t getting the procedure thinks they should have any say in the matter.

    Andy got fucking painful to watch. I mean the show got generally painful to watch (with a very slim amount of exceptions) halfway through season 7 when Michael left but man I just found Andy insufferable, particularly after he comes back from getting Erin from Florida.

    A staple of 4th grade for whatever fucking reason. Really all I remember is my immature amusement at them laying nude together to stave off hypothermia.

    That paper was never supposed to arrive!

    That’s fucking goofy. Hey if it makes ya some scratch though I guess.

    Made me actually laugh. +100 points to Jan!

    Yea, it’s flagellating yourself about shit you’ve never experienced. Go ahead and do it I guess but it’s not going to do fucking anything. Well put Tomi. Although I don’t think you took what Chocolate was saying in the right context. Chocolate appears to just be saying it does happen given the reply she received and

    I believe you recalled correctly!

    Whenever I hear any couple, regardless of age, call one another ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’ it makes my genitals recede into my body with such force that the shards of my testicles blast out of my eyes with the fury of a thousand hurricanes and summarily shred my visage into a nightmarish ruin. It’s so fucking creepy.