Hope you’re doing swell Jpo!
Hope you’re doing swell Jpo!
Thank you Betty, thought so as well!
Holly that is super apt.
It instantly reads as specious to me when a man calls himself a feminist.
Oh my god yes you really showed me, knocked me down a couple pegs. What an asshole I am. You’re so smart and cool.
Well Betty I’m wildly inclined to agree with you. Facebook is a way to keep in touch with people you don’t care about and unless you made it taking pictures of your food is literally a preemptive shit snap. As has been pointed out to me at least three times apparently I’m on social media cause I comment here though.
No, not really. It’s anonymous internet commenting.
Shit you sassed my buns up real hard.
Hehehehe, yea absolutely Clean! That was the genesis of my suggestion! Colonel Camel Taint says some pretty shocking stuff, even for the internet!!!
I was endeavoring to ‘humble brag’ or whatever. I’m not charming in the least! Hope you have a good weekend too Meteor! And sorry again.
I’m sorry if I came off prickish-ly or anything resembling the sort Meteor. I do really think you’re swell.
Well then I’m absolutely happy to be in the same camp as yourself Meteor, you lovely human.
Is that a brag nowadays to not have social media? I wouldn’t know, I never developed my perspicacity effectively cause I have such roguish charm.
They’re obviously in purgatory duh.
When my wife and I started dating my dog ate a used condom out of the bathroom trash like after the second or third time we’d gotten intimate . She passed it the following day but I was really dreading that vet visit and my relief was palpable. Reason for visit? Uhh, jizzy trash condom consumption?
Her daughters are kinda awful, with the exception of Duke who I like a lot. If my Daughter ever said ‘Hey remember the end of the Flinstones’ and locked me out of my house I’d say ‘Hey remember the Shining’ and hack the door into pieces. Except instead of homocidal possessed madness I’d make her coordinate getting a…
Seriously, well played. Sparing us a bare moment of his abject fucking lunacy is the work of a true paragon.
He sounds like such a fucking raving lunatic! Somebody on his staff really just needs to like open a fucking Word document and convince him that’s his new way to post. Sure he’d buy it, brain surgeon that he is. Just spare me the fucking ranting and raving.
I love the looks like I’m a anthropomorphic frog with a giant rainbow-colored cock sprouting out of my forehead that some people give me when I say I’ve never had any social media.
Yea I mean getting raped by that human bag of taint sweat would certainly lend itself to some self medicating.