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    Fuck I hope so, although he’s a white male with money so it may take a while to get him into one. Probably be safer to just hope he gets clipped by a bus and takes a long time dying. 60 women and counting, Jesus Christ, what a fucking pile of rotting donkey foreskin he is.

    Oddly 7 I had a very similar thought about the slims. I was very incredulous about that, with ya thinking he’d be smoking Luckies or something.

    Yea I don’t get engendering the guessing game. Unless it was Jerry himself and he’s got some odd plot he’s been working on for a while. So I’ll go ahead and guess Frundly Grublestort? Star of ‘My best uncle Saldovir’ and ‘Spaghetti: the musical’. No way it’s Colin Farrell, totally sticking with Frundly. I reject

    I initially suspected Ray cause he was who I most medium suspected. My wife instantly said Abbot after having watched the past three episodes with me to catch up and she’s never wrong with foreshadowing stuff. I mean when she was in Gamby’s car she said she’d kill herself if they ‘broke up’ so I’m kind of inclined to

    I’m leaning towards Abbot now Mel.

    Very graphically, in the Minion costumes. Some scat play and a donkey were involved as well.

    Meteor your validation is lovely, I don’t think I’ve ever had my food described with such pulchritude. Hopefully it’s just peanuts, a nut allergy has gotta suck. Allergies in general just fucking suck I guess but food ones seem particularly miserable to me.

    I made peanut butter cake doughnuts stuffed with homemade black berry jam this weekend. Served them with a chiboust wherein I had soaked peanut butter Captain Crunch in the cream, so it was like a cereal milk chiboust I guess? Was pretty awesome.

    There’s this red Grand Am I’ve seen around town a couple times now Goddess. It has a rearing unicorn like that on the side framed in pink lightning across the entirety of the doors, says ‘Diane’ in the foreground. Every time I see it I’m like fuck I want to meet Diane cause she’s apparently a major badass.

    Do you take your melatonin at the same time every day?

    That is a fucking impressive ice job.

    Hey I get that, I had the same guilt/shame thing going on for a while. Then I just asked myself why I was actively putting myself through that. Hope it goes as well as possible!

    Don’t stress about it Holly, you really have like innumerable ways to acquire a family and you’re just 33 so your eggs aren’t about to imminently liquefy and blow out your asshole. Hope you figure something out and can de-stress.

    Moving is the absolute worst. Occasionally makes me hate having a truck. I’ll hear from fuckers I haven’t talked to in like a year. Some inane banter then asking for help moving.

    Well it’s good you still make time for them even though it seems like they cause you bowel knotting anxiety I guess. It may be an unpopular opinion but just cause they’re your parents doesn’t mean you have to spend time with them. My view is heavily jaded from having absolute sacks of hot wet farts for parents though.

    My wife feels the same way when she has to be firm with underlings. As long as you’re not being unfair or rude (which is sounds like you absolutely weren’t being either) then don’t feel bad at all. You’d be doing them an active disservice if you were ambivalent to shitty work.

    Quick way to tell your dehydrated is to pinch the skin on the back of your hand. Should bounce back instantly, if it doesn’t then start hitting that water juice. Sounds like that’s not the case though. Not hungry and everything’s salty huh? That’s a weird one, hope you get your appetite back and some salinity control!

    Yeah I’d be happy never seeing Dennis’s apartment again. I have this issue with AMC shows where I start out really liking them then about halfway through the second season or so I just start a steady cool down.

    I mean who wouldn’t love that hot beefy plumber cock. The sheer magnitude of it!!!

    Fuck, sounds awful shitty Chocolate.