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    Guy looked like he could get taken out by a gentle breeze for years now so I can’t say this was surprising news. I’m having an old man moment thinking about how Playboy used to be the pinnacle of jerk off material before the internet was easily accessible.

    I mean 4% more blood juice is pretty swell, even if the means are...different? So yea, kinda weird but why not, need blood. Jigsaw might make you dig a key out of your best friends bladder with a rusty egg beater but he’s not homophobic so he’s got that going for him at least.

    Ugh Megyn, I hate so much the things you choose to say.

    I think it’s some toxic cocktail of envy, frustration and love of the source material. I can’t agree with you enough Moe.

    Oh you have a Glombultrunt Goddess. Sit a ramakin of pickles on your kitchen counter for a few nights then throw cold Bolognese down your garbage disposal whence you remove the pickles whilst simultaneously singing anything by Prince and it’ll clear right up. Crystal Ball works especially well though.

    Sounds like somebody needs a plumbus!

    Bulldog, engage Potato Mode!!!

    You’re swell as fuck Poodle, no problem. Rooting for your success!!!

    Always bugs the living fuck out of me when folks get the vein of what somebody is saying yet feel this compulsive need to correct them, especially in a shitty way. We’re not talking about fucking nuclear launch codes here. It’s like okay you need people to tell you your perceptive? Here’s your fucking pat on the head,

    I’m happy you’ve regained yourself! My brother in law had a brain aneurysm two years ago and he’s still kinda off. So that shits no joke. Good on ya Rain!!!

    Gods my leather couch is scratched to hell but I’ll take it any day over scraping out dog hair. That is truly a monumental pain in the asshole. Would that I had a grand to blow on one of those fancy Dysons, a man can dream.

    Did you do the blinds Goddess? Blinds are the kidney stone of dusting. Dusting in general is tiresome so good on ya!

    Fuck yea Rain, that’s no joke! Way to go!

    I’ve been watching my three nieces this week so my sister and her husband can finally have some alone time and get a proper honey moon. I love them tremendously but hell if I’m not gonna breathe a sigh of relief and sit in my underwear tomorrow while drinking roughly a hundred beers. *Empathy hug*

    My wife has been cutting out soda too! She doesn’t drink or smoke but she pounded Mountain Dew like oxygen. She runs marathons and decided it was messing with her lung capacity. She’s just over two weeks as well! Keep up the good work Steph! Rooting for ya!

    I’m just glad to hear somebody else still goes to the library!

    Way to shuck that weight Poodle! You likely have some rough days ahead but stay brave!

    Staying alive longer is amongst the best of bonuses! Keep up the good work!!!

    ...Trump? Or too horrifying?

    Hehe, kind of feel like if there was a sure fire to get a penile fracture it would be that.