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    Potentially concealing some alien octopod parasite that forces him to jack it in the back of Ubers?

    Well that situation sounds like it eats a dumpster of goblin cocks. Glad you’ve got a clean bill of health though!


    Well shit, Jane I never knew ye but you’ve been a part of my life for so long. You’ve just sent me down a Wikipedia K-hole Jinni. We’re off to see the Barbe, the wonderful Barbe of Phones! Because because because because, because of the wonderful noise she does!

    Hmmm, I’m vacillating because I’m wondering about the rules. Upon the culmination of our quest, would The Voice grant us a boon? If so my suggestion would be to replace every Trump supporter’s GPS with something shameful and maddening. It just says ‘Why?’ as opposed to verbalizing the directions. That may prove too

    I inherently don’t like super pretty white guys, they traditionally get away with way too much horrible shit.

    Jinni that is oddly congorous with my own mental image. Hehehehe, the fucking sensible shoes. Always thought of the shoes, square toed, low heel flats. The sweater too, nice and potentially homemade yet made well enough as to be indistinguishable. We need to find The Voice Jinni, if only to fulfill our expectations.

    Fuck Goddess I want to agree with you but somehow I think they’ll persevere. Rats and cockroaches always find a way.

    Republicans try so hard to be the fucking Genital Police, yet they’re the rapiest bunch of repressed twats on the planet.

    Seriously, maybe if you live in a rural Latvian farming community with no access to the outside world I’d maybe buy it. Somebody said they didn’t know who Beyoncé was I’d be very interested in who recently resurrected them from the dead.

    Whenever I see text in italics regardless of content I always read it in that vague sexually ambiguous answering machine voice.

    At the very least it would make the news more interesting. Having to say hurricane ‘fists yo mama’ is about to make landfall. I’m honestly having a hard time keeping track of all these hurricanes and tropical storms. It’s like Poseidon drank a bunch of tequila then pounded a hot mess of Taco Bell and is just taking a

    Think it’s better to not die at all.

    Well that’s horrifying.

    YAAASSSSSS! Exactly DG, calling people ‘cucks’ or whatever and your fearless leader can’t get over his tiny hands. Yet why try and apply rationality at this juncture, it’s gone out the fucking window. UGH!

    He’s a shitty dog with a shitty bone DG. It’s super alarming, the fact he’s concerned with such menial small potatoes as his hands...ugh. Just got hit with what like a hundred hurricanes? But he’s gotta fixate on some slight to his fragile masculinity.

    What a sad pathetic excuse for a human that he feels a need to act like regulation one size fits most gloves won’t fit his tiny mitts. I can’t even be exasperated anymore, stuff your baby hands in Magnums if it helps you with hurricane relief you human equivalent of septic tank rust.

    I feel like The Daily Show post John is like it’s own entity now. Meaning the host is kind of negligible at this point, Stewart made the show so why have one host? The show itself is an entity, rotate hosts and give different perspectives. I don’t find Noah unpleasant by any means but nor do I feel inclined to tune in

    Just seems shitty and lazy.

    Much better than the ‘nipples’ Pikachu I’d say.