Surprising Syfy hadn’t gone there already!
Surprising Syfy hadn’t gone there already!
That is my favorite thing of the day!
Aww shucks, as a fellow nerd it galls me to make an inaccurate reference but I assume you got the gist, no? Never played Dark Souls. Played through Demon Souls and decided life was stressful enough that I don’t need my video games to be hemorrhoid-inducing. Much nerd respect, +2 to your lore skill.
Hehe, yea stilettos and a miniskirt are definitely gonna help you escape the cannibal mutants very effectively!
Right! Where’s my mythril codpiece!?
If I’d ever encountered someone who couldn’t efficaciously utilize a dust pan I’d be much more mad than I currently am. It is my dearest hope I never encounter such.
I don’t mean to abrogate your statement. How are you shocked men need things sexualized? That is the least shocking thing ever.
Holy shit I didn’t even know about that business! Dude went from looking like hipster Jesus to looking like that?! Damn. Definitely not healthy! Gotta respect the dedication but seven hells thats gotta be rough.
Made me think of this. Need those metal bikinis!
How actors can be so fluid with their weight is astonishing, impressive and terrifying to me all at once. Gaining and/or losing so much weight has gotta take a toll on you.
Thanks for the concern Jpo, mighty swell of ya! I just felt a rage coming on and was getting a spot dissociative. So just avoided people and took it out on some firewood. So yea I think I’ve got equilibrium or near enough. Probably play it safe and stick around the house for another day or so.
Yea it’s fucking toast. Birth control too. Brilliant plan, unwanted pregnancy always turns up fucking aces.
Devos would be Dr. Blight I think.
My apologies if I was untoward tonight Jpo, I’m having a bit of a rough go mentally.
I wasn’t on vacation Pigeon.
The theme being old sweat smells and closeted married guy semen?
Well, I gotta say picking on a nine year old is kinda gross revenge. But if it ameliorated the shit you had in your brain....then it’s still not really okay. I guarantee I hated my abusive alcoholic piece of shit dad more than her. But whatever, umm...okay?
Hehehehe, yes. Let poop be a source of connection and not of shame. And why quail at that juncture? I’d assume you at least cleaned your asshole, if you were bold enough to go from make out to rim job. I mean consider your log cutter tongue blasted. Gods I’m a crass human being.
Now that’s a true statement if I’ve ever heard one.