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    New announcer guy just doesn’t cut it for me.

    Hopefully not, I had some lovely carrot curry soup for dinner and I’d hate to think they retained sentience when puréed with their fellows.

    Well if he can’t pardon himself surely his next plan will be a blood sacrifice to summon Cthulu to devour the souls of his detractors. I read that last part as a headline I’ll be oddly unsurprised. Ugh it hasn’t even been a year.

    My mother in law used to give my wife this wicked bowl cut when she was little. But to none of her sisters though. I see pictures of them as a kid and I’m like what did you do to deserve that?

    Kinda doubt he’ll be on Wheaties boxes anytime soon.

    I’ve wildly given up on politics Keep. The parties hate one another especially now, republicans are health care destroying monsters who want to devour your firstborn to gain eternal youth. Democrats are just useless and spouting contrite outrage all over.

    Sure she’s a grade A hacker.

    Those were some grease jams Plunk, liked it!

    Wait that dumb fuck thing at Bed Bath and Beyond that lets you make your own shitty grape soda? What?

    Shall I have Alabaster bring you your blunderbuss m’lord?

    Can you imagine if she was a nine story tall three hundred ton tentacle monster with rectums for eyes that belched choleric ultra scorpions? I mean, whoa.

    I was under the impression that actual kleptomaniacs don’t necessarily steal things of value. More like a need to just steal whatever.

    My fourth grade teacher went to high school with my dad. My dad picked on her mercilessly, gave her a very unflattering nickname that stuck for a while. So she in turn really had it out for me, a 4th grader. Betsy Devos looks like a total doppelgänger of her and besides her rampant idiocy it took me a little while to

    Poodle I respect the hell out of your empathy levels. That was just a good fucking comment.

    Stage 4, fuckin hell. Must’ve been a fuckin day when you found you were going into remission. Regardless of how I feel about a guy’s politics I find it hard to toss shit at him when I learn he’s got brain cancer. Plus I tend to respect a man who was tortured and put in a box for years.

    Thank you for affirming what I thought. Saw the picture headlining the article and thought it belonged on Otacon’s wall or something.


    I’m sorry you’re having a shitty day!

    Does the thesaurus unleash a blast of weaponized fentanyl when opened? Cause if so I’m inclined to agree.

    Modern Family makes me want to suffocate on my own avulsed genitalia whilst simultaneously rubbing puréed habaneros in my eyes. That being said I really dug the premier last night. Although I did want more Tormund and Brienne time.