Not exactly an idyllic way to describe a potential partner?
Not exactly an idyllic way to describe a potential partner?
Hear hear Jpo, one date is more like potentially heavy dejection. Shouldn’t give someone a second chance if you weren’t into it. Eating something you dislike so much it’s palatable should only work for pickled herring.
Good fucking is absolutely a salient merit but if you want to stab him in the throat every time he talks I’d say it’s probably a pass. I mean best case scenario he gets brain damage but his dick still works yet I don’t think that would be terribly healthy.
I have super low blood pressure, like to the point I’ve developed a complex. Everyone I touch recoils immediately at my frigid digits so I love the heat. I guess I’m a fucking reptile or something but bring it on. I never met my birth parents so I’ll assume they were both iguanas and I was an anomaly.
Had to make the bulldog a batch of popsicles today!
Yea I’m inclined to agree with you Tup. Nice apartment in New York, can just say ‘fuck it’ and jet off to Italy to make pasta. Gets all petulant and butt hurt cause this beautiful woman is reluctant to be with him for very valid reasons. It’s like some weird entitlement that just doesn’t sit well with me.
I don’t like Dev. He’s kind f a whiny bitch who put Francesca in a really shitty position. She was with this guy for eleven years and lives in a different country yet he gets all petulant when she won’t just totally uproot her life for him. Show had a great soundtrack though!
Is that what’s up with those britches he’s rocking? I figured it was something religious but Mormons wear that much underwear?
I went to Hawaii like ten years ago. I’m just thinking about it now cause of the new Pirates of the Carribean. Was a lovely trip but on the way back over the Pacific our flight hit major turbulence. Like major to the point our altitude dropped so rapidly my left eardrum burst. The in flight movie was the PotC with…
I know I shouldn’t be cause it’s kind of a Netflix flagship but I’m kind of shocked it’s renewed for three more seasons.
Like a cat shit zen garden? Maybe plant a bonsai there?
My bulldog straight up attacks the broom when I sweep. Same with the vacuum. She must hate a tidy floor or something...
Hehe, easy to feel edged out by eight siblings!
Well PF I live in rural Kentucky so if there was a disparaging acrostic regarding our state I’d love to hear it cause it’s probably accurate and deserved. That being said Iowa is home to the most Kum n’ Go’s so I’m partial to it. In that I’m a grown ass man who silently chuckles to himself whenever we go to visit the…
I don’t get why people shit on Man of Steel?!?! I thought it was pretty good. I love Cavill as Supes, don’t think BVS was great but that in no way soured me on him. Can he be given brief furlough from your sex dungeon to reprise the role? You can be in attendance in a supervisory capacity should you so choose.
Man of steel wasn’t terrible, I honestly can’t fathom the hate leveled. I’m not even a huge Superman fanboy. Now Suicide Squad....I was fucking laughing at it. My friend and I got shushed in the theatre, I’d absolutely hate myself for ruining an experience somebody paid almost twenty dollars to see in IMAX but I…
I mean fuck even our time is based on religion. Cause we had to specify shit happened BEFORE the magical wizard man who forgives our sins. Preach it SF, would be a very effective collection plate.
Fresh out the grease, like *swik-swik*
Hey, your poop could look like dinosaurs? Huh? I mean a distal colon making a stegosaurus facsimile is pretty neat.
You must be brave as fuck Judas. Space seems fucking terrifying. Anuerisms, sharks, and space, all scare the shit out of me.