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    Could do the dew and go code red.

    I would rather drink that much Peppy Bismilk than strawberry milk. Strawberry milk tastes like all the farts.

    Again totally agree, I wasn’t meaning it’s done good as a whole cause it hasnt, was more in the vein of community level stuff. It’s a shitty thing that engenders prejudice, icky bad terrible creepy for sure.

    I just want to bedazzle that on something.

    I just read them and look intently\occasionally nod so people think I’m a dangerous psychopath with a bunch of eyeless doll heads in his fridge.

    I personally think the guy\crew who takes\finds cover photos for NE deserves a fucking medal. Hands down, without a doubt the most unflattering pictures of humans ever.

    Cause we have to make all the hard choices damn it! Hehehe, even being facetious I cant go farther without laughing at the absurdity.

    Just like one homeless guy who wandered in there to take a nap. He has crickets in his pocket so its actually making the noise.

    She turned me into a newt!!! Well...I got better...

    Tweety Bird tattoo.

    If you get angry and heated it makes it easier for the opposing party to either dismiss you or get angry back. It’s much harder to do that in the face of calm rationality. Good on you for not spitting in their faces, however much their racist visages deserved a good saliva barrage.

    I think just forgetting about him is the best course. Just collectively forget his existence.

    So much agreement. I mean I guess it does some good but its mostly hot shit. Lets fucking kill each other cause I think my make believe story time is better than yours.

    My grandma (who goes to the movies all the time), will generally watch anything and she left the theatre halfway through. Fucking hated it, cracked me up. I have beyond no interest in seeing it so when people bring it up I just act deliberately obtuse until they get frustrated and give up.

    In stolen leather pants?

    I honestly just dont get religion in general.

    I just cant stop thinking about how hard it would be to use a jack hammer covered in a thick layer of oil while wearing heels...

    He’s a jock strap then. A sweaty heavily pissed in jock strap.

    Dude has the audacity to call women liars cause their the weaker sex but cant say piss, has to say tinkle. What a fucking paragon of virtue.

    My wife is an accountant, just got put on a client with six other women. She’s in her early 30's, about seven years older than everyone else, the only mom, and was previously a special needs teacher. The most imminently patient calm headed human I know. So they come to her a lot for help and to vent issues about their