Fuckin’ NATzis
Turbo Nerd Engaged, DC actually had Captain Nazi. Although he usually got punched by SHAZAM!!!! Good Ol’ Captain Marvel.
What? It’s about Lady Gaga, incidentally about sports too. This isn’t Deadspin talking about shooty ball stats.
The Mannings look like horses to me, Peyton especially but Eli has a touch of the equine.
She’s so fucking pretty, I’m glad she dropped the gimmick-y shit
Just all fart noises, performed tastefully by the New York Phillarmonic.
I’m totally recreating that in my head right now. I would tune in hard as fuck for that.
I’d rather rip my cock off then take the time to braise it, fry it, then shred it and put it into homemade tortillas rather than watch sports. I find it fucking excruciating. More so than tacos built from my own penis.
Letting each other do what they want and supporting them within reason. It works. I’m the polar fucking opposite of my wife and we do awful swell.
Are those the shortbread ones or are those trefoils? The fuck are do si dos?
No Cripple Creek, just...music...
I mean I think he’ll be different, but like a train wreck reacts differently to trees, concrete, gravel, various man made structures. It’s all gonna be terrible, just gotta wait and see how the terrible unfolds.
They just ended up with ‘Band’. It’s just music, probably not great, mostly played by humans with the exception of a talented opossum.
Yea they made one of those paper chains like you made in grade school. Usually write goals on them then try to accomplish the aforesaid goal as you snap off the link but Trump is just gonna use his half for his paper maiche sex dungeon, which he has to rebuild almost lightly at great expense due to urine induced…
Assuming that’s probably the actual name of the segment.
He/She looks equally surprised!
Looks like a super villain, ‘and I thought you came here to die Mr. Bond’!
I love Bostons, I feel like they always look vaguely shocked.