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    I love Burger King, I rarely eat fast food anymore, with that exception. The caveat being if I eat Burger King my mouth/burps smell like fucking BK for roughly three days before it mellows out. It just fucking pulls a Woodstock camp out and parties in my thoracic cavity,

    Try and make gribiche sometime, you’d like it and feel like your pants were fancy

    Grilled some strip steaks. Made some vinegar-y braised green beans with bacon and onions. This new roasted potato recipe I nabbed off Serious Eats wherein you boil the potatoes in alkaline water then sass them around so they form a crust and roast them off. Went really great and was delicious. Then my niece showed up

    Yeah, she sounds like a total piece of shit. I’m a necrophiliac and a pedophile but I do it on my own terms, nobody tells me how to live!

    Agree with everything you’ve said Queen.

    May the flesh wilt from his bones

    Hehe, yea, kind of really love that Prince and I have the same shitty Thunderbird.

    Well since you don’t want to listen to her I’ll sum it up for you. ‘Aggressive Obfuscation’. The younger Anne Coulter clone is good at what she does, even if it’s complete nonsense and often relies on vicissitudes and malapropisms.

    One of the more moderate styles of Japanese porno.

    I didn’t necessarily mean it positively. It’s a fucking joke of a gyro. First off that’s clearly done with sliced meat wherein a gyro is traditionally a ground lamb/beef blend shorn from a meat log. The grilled onions are fucking ridiculous in their enormity. The haphazard sauce drizzles are supposed to...make you ask

    I don’t really get it. Like a kid writing ‘weed’ on his Social Studies text book in 7th grade. What’s the deep social commentary I’m missing? Guess I’m just some square or something.

    I think that may in fact be the most artisanal gyro I have ever glimpsed

    My exact thought, that looks like some very uncomfortably mashed up décolletage.

    A racist who works at a place called ‘Dairy Queen’ kind of makes me chuckle. Probably calls it ‘Dairy Man’ in his head and wishes they only sold vanilla, gets rid of all those Oreos. I’m sorry if I seem insensitive, just trying to pluck fleeting nuggets of amusement from life now a days.

    I would be loudly flatulating like a sad human trombone for the entirety of the next day if I consumed such a beverage. I admire your intestine’s fortitude in regards to sugar!

    I was more thinking Carole King.

    I’m sure he does that quite frequently to himself in the bathroom thinking about big muscly blondes. Repressed slime ball that he is, jamming a big drippy dragon up there then flagellating himself for his impure thoughts.

    Guy is resilient, if anything I’ll give him that.

    My gal had the biggest sweet tooth, hated pickles. Got off the pill, no sweets, huge craving for pickles. I was like ‘Are you my spouse or should I be torturing the doppelgänger who replaced you so I can find where they’ve stashed your body?’. Only lasted for a couple months but was super weird. Hormones are crazy.

    If it’s out there in shitty weather I bet they’d just get crappy if you confronted them. There is the biggest, most mangy scruffy tom that lives behind the pet store I work at. I’ve tried to feed him cat food multiple times but he only likes to eat the dead fish I scoop out of the tanks in the morning (we have feeder