
Others want to place their own embargo on publications (even if said publication did not publish follow-up stories until well into the next day, unlike others)

I will take both; thank you. But a healthy dose of Dawes has rendered me immune to CancerAIDS.

Take a star for the info on Hart to Hart...and a hearty dose of canceraids for your first.

Jonathan and Jennifer Hart played by Robert Wagner (he’s 93!) and Stephanie Powers. Plus an adorable dog named Freeway. 

The flashbacks are really good but they are the structure of the show, much like all the shows you listed. Why did you omit “Station Eleven” which uses flashbacks in exactly the same way? 

$5 pictures in 2003!? I would barely pay that now

Good grief, props to the set design. That was exceptional. No Orange Julius or Cinnabon kind of shattered the verisimilitude but hey we’ll let that go.

Given Tanya’s conversation with Portia, and the fact that she observes the picture and doesn’t freak out — I think she’s smarter and shrewder than we’ve all been led to believe. I think there’s a reason she demurred as being “so nervous” and making the handsome young man do all the work. After all, she had the pre-nup

Forgot about that picture of Greg in the cowboy hat. Once Tanya finds that old VHS tape Greg made of himself trying to throw a football over a mountain, things are really going to hit the fan.

That’s just being young and not sure what she wants. I don’t think she’s a saint but she’s not an awful person. She’s not planning to use Albie in some diabolical way, she’s just trying to find someone to spend time with in Italy and clearly she likes him enough to give it a go but not enough to commit- that’s not

Chekhov’s photo frame! That was a younger Greg (in a cowboy hat, no less!) in the photo with a younger Quentin, right?? 

Really, at no point did I get the sense Harper was attracted to Cameron - she’s clearly doing this purely to punish Ethan and also, maybe mostly, herself. It’s full on drunken self-loathing trashing about self-destruction.

Of course there relationship was severly broken before the trip. The real problem is that Ethan

The moment she shows Harper a photo of her kids on her phone (while claiming to be looking to show off “her trainer”) felt particularly calculated in its ditziness, almost as if she knew what she was doing, telling Harper in no uncertain terms why she stayed with Cameron