

That study has been exposed as BS. https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2023/03/11/cochrane-says-review-does-not-show-that-face-masks-dont-work-against-covid-19/

All the old AV Club hits playing out in this sub thread! 

This “article” is a hack job. Seems like everything on AV Club has a negative bent. Such a shame.

It would seem that he’s due for a follow-up on this view any year now.

That’s what having kids will do to you.

When you create a disqus account, can you link it to the legacy AVClub account and comments?
Will all previous comments be linked to the new Kinja accounts?

I never signed up for a Discus account and instead use the old AVCLUB login. Will I also have an opportunity to claim my old username?

I thought the premiere ends with them walking the red carpet all over again?

I recently saw Black Hawk Down, but don't recall his character.

Yes, must be spies. How else would he know Ellaria and co. was with Yara and Theon? Seemed like that was his plan all along when he left King's Landing to go get a gift for Cersei.

Kindly get off his head first

Blinkers are a suggestion in the Boston area

Only when upset. It is tough to drive when holding onto severed arms at the same time.

How come I'm just hearing about "Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party"???

I assume the other hand has a handful of yourself

Except on your 31st, 41st, etc. When it is your 10th anniversary of turning 21, you have a good reason to drink.


I always thought Jedi ground to a halt when the gang split up and Luke landed on Dagobah- much like when Empire slows down.

I said this elsewhere, but yes, the whole phone conversation seemed off. Seemed like they got a replacement actor to do her voice and she wasn't nearly morose enough.