
That's a 70's dive bar in Times Square?

I don't think he is the director at this point. He and/or Saul have made a few throwaway comments about "the Director". But, point taken.

Nary a holiday decoration anywhere and lush, green leaves on all the trees. Almost as if it was shot in high summer!

It really can be 2 things!

The guy from James Bond.

Internet cats everywhere converge on Pops Rivets.

Reminds me of the reviews on Mr. Cranky. Does that site still exist?

Yeah, but we all thought it was going to be Greedo.

If you drink enough, you don't notice the itching. Oh, you meant the other kind of crabs.

You sure it was dead?

Why promote the use of Twitter to further the discussion of this series when you have a perfectly good commenting system on site?

But something had to happen to Noah's shoulder in prison, right? He said it was broken and all they did was give him Vicodin for it. Did it happen another way, but he hallucinates that sadistic John Gunther did it?

Noah's sister was in an episode last season along with their father. He was a giant dick to Noah- so maybe they knew then.

If you were the other person to watch the series finale of Falling Skies, you'd know this to be true! At least that there are tunnels under the Mall anyway. In a fictional TV show. But it is plausible.

I am a fan of Adams because of Hitchhiker, but am not familiar with the source material for this series. 3 or 4 episodes in, I am really enjoying it. Guess in this instance it pays off not to have higher expectations.

I have no idea what this is a reference to and am too lazy to google, but I read it in Owen Wilson's voice.

That West Virginia wilderness looked a lot like the Pawnee, IL back country.

Can he hit the high note?

—Kevin J. Anderson