
I missed that smile. Any way to interpret it as her being sincerely grateful for his comfort?

Do we know that the Umbers are against the Starks from that conversation? I don't recall it exactly, but it seemed to me they were just saying that they just needed the Umbers, in addition to the already allied Karstarks, to hold the North. Did they explicitly say the Umbers were anti-Stark?

Upvoted for "henchperson's communit[y]"

The FBI knows Nina is dead *because* Oleg brought this to Stan's attention. I don't think they have any additional information.

We don't know. The Deputy wanted Stan to play it to Oleg to get him to turn, but Stan said that it would do the opposite instead. At least I think that is how the conversation went.

Posted this elsewhere, but I wonder if the tape the Deputy AG wanted Stan to play for Oleg is somehow related to what is in that folder?

So any speculation as to what is on the tape the Deputy Attorney General wanted Stan to play for Oleg? I had assumed that the info they had to help turn Oleg was the news of his brother's death. Clearly that was wrong. Wonder if this has anything to do with the secret file Tatiana was reading that she quickly closed

I was thinking she was interested because her bio-warfare operation was using her to get the surveillance reports on William. She probably knows what Martha was doing, and was seeing if Arkady, who was previously in the dark about the op, now knew, too.

I am now aware, thanks to the AV Club, that there is a place called a "gym". What goes on there?

Now that this announcement is out of the way, please announce an instant video app for Chromecast.

Except Frodo

How does he even know what the shirt looks like?

Much like Duke Leto, did he really have a choice?

I think Darden is handed a pair of the same model during the scene, which he was presumably going to use during his questioning. But the ones OJ tried on were the pair in front of the expert witness- one from OJ's house and one from the crime scene- who was testifying (I think) that they were almost surely a pair.

Called a graveyard in these parts.

I didn't read it like that at all. Assumed Henry bought/stole from a store/got from a friend the first bottle and Stan was giving him a second one. Simple as that.

The light is part of the overhead door apparatus. It goes on when someone opens or closes the door and turns off after a certain amount of time.

The next time we see him, he'll be seated in a cave with a tree growing through him, and predicting the fall of the Wall as orchestrated by the prince that was promised, David Hasselhoff.

Where does that place Hai Karate?

Yes, that is what I thought, too. It is either that, or some other yet to be revealed intel.