I think we concluded that it was Leif and Christina.
I think we concluded that it was Leif and Christina.
I like Boston Rob, I do, but sometimes you're really reminded that there is that part of him that is pure douchebag, and it will never be stamped out. No one gives a shit about the rules for living that some reality-TV star came up with. "Step 1 - get cast on reality show. Steps 2 through infinity - repeat."
She's a Mormon. That's just how they roll.
I couldn't believe that was the way Brenda chose to go out. Yeah, Dawn played a shitty game in terms of jury management, and she hurt a lot of feelings, but making her humiliate herself on national TV for a bit of petty revenge is really, really despicable.
Eddie's Final Tribal question was such a perfect Eddie moment. "Bro, bro, bro. Show me how much you've changed by telling us how you're going to bro down with us." It is not a tiny little surprise that Eddie's conception of the world begins and ends with standing at some fucking bar.
I know why you picked RC.
There were a bunch of "Ozzy fishing" scenes in South Pacific, although that was mostly when he was by himself.
Katie, Palau.
You watched last season, right? No one this season even came close to Lisa's loved-one-visit meltdown.
I agree that her overly-emotional play will be her downfall, which gives me no joy to say. In Survivor, you have to walk a fine line between creating emotional bonds with people but not getting too close, since the closer you get the harder people take it when you have to eliminate them. Dawn has lived entirely on…
I don't think that's a runoff, it'll be Malcolm in a walk. Probst loves Malcolm, so fans love Malcolm.
I think you guys are overlooking a really important piece of evidence, which is that no one left in the game seems to consider it a priority to get rid of Eddie. So either they are really overconfident in their ability to eliminate him before the end, or they have some sense that the jury won't vote for him.
She'd be in good shape if it was a final two, but having two other people sitting next to her means she is running short on goats.
Freaking scumbags.
Well, he made some dumbass mistakes in his first season.
Sail a small boat filled with food towards the beach and then set fire to it halfway along its journey while Probst just cackles.
Yeah, probably. But I wouldn't pencil in too many votes for Eddie, who was pretty clearly treated as the dullest member of that group. It would be hard to stomach having lost to a dingus like that, even for Brocephus.
I'm not even sure Reynold would vote for Eddie. This is one of those cases where I think the editing has told us exactly the story that exists on the island - no one respects Eddie, and people don't vote for players they don't respect.
Oh shit, I didn't realize relegation was on the table.