
That was the bullshittiest twist.  It added nothing to the game, it simply punished the person who won the damn challenge.  At some point people are going to stop trying to win the loved-ones challenge, because they pretty much always dump some horseshit twist on you now.

Sometimes I do sort of miss the days when the only things NPC's wanted to tell you was that they are Error.

Last update to this Cool Story, Bro because, you know, it's enough already - this is on Neil's FB page, and that's me directly to his right, already mesmerized by some comedy bit he's doing.

We grew up on the same street together from when we were 4 (him) and 5 (me) until we were both in our mid-teens (about 14 or 15, I think?), minus a couple of years in the middle when his family moved to Japan (Neil and his younger brother had the blondest hair in the universe, and he sent me a letter or two about

I was best friends with Neil Campbell when we were little kids.  True story.

"Did you mean to type 'Former All-Star 2nd baseman Harold Reynolds'?"

Well, someone has to defend the indefensible I guess.

Project Greenlight reference.  Do Not Pass Go.  Do Not Collect 200 Dollars.

Tijuana was sort of a minor character but I thought she was super cute.

It's a great character season, even if you're a person (like I am) who rapidly gets sick of Poopert.  Savage's dad strength.  Poor, doomed Ryan O.  Osten and his pelican buddy.  Lill Face.

Coffee is for closers.

I'd refer to it as a "cunt punt" but that's already been taken.

I'm trying to remember what Fabio's edit was like.  Was he as invisible as Erik was over the first third-to-half of the season?  If so, then Erik could win.

I might not be remembering it correctly, but I feel like I remember Cirie just looking at the voting camera in dumbfounded awe, laughing, and walking back to her spot.

I don't think they replant them when someone goes home with one in their pocket.

I'm not a girl or A Gay, so take what I say for whatever it's worth, but I think Malcolm looks dumb with his hair down like that.  Reynold's mustache, on the other hand, tres magnifique.

I just picture an entire family of people, randomly digging holes in their backyard for fun.

Oh, Andrea is going to curdle before Final, I'd bet money on that.  Reynold, on the other hand, seems like a classic Final Tribal Chill Bro.  I think he played Survivor pretty terribly, but he didn't seem like an awful guy.

Never, ever, ever make a confessional where you talk about how excited you are to blindside someone else.  Just don't.  Don't do that thing.

"I finded this.  You can have it."