Julia could still surprise.
Julia could still surprise.
How do you remember that?
No, no one ever won the car and the game.
At that level of prize, I think you have to take the sure thing and then trust in your own gameplay to get you through the rough patch after you make the decision. If there was a chance that giving them the prize would earn you some tangible good will, then I think you seriously consider doing it. But giving…
I absolutely think Cindy made the right choice with the cars. The show shouldn't have put her in that position, though.
Guatemala. Cindy. Total horseshit.
I buy jars of peanut butter sometimes and I don't even put it on anything, I just eat it straight, with a spoon. I am a disgusting person.
Buddy cop movie.
They really hate the guy. They're also….mouth-breathers.
I'm going to gather together my anti-mayo jihad forces and we will meet your anti-peanut butter jihad under the highway, Sharks and Jets style.
But Aquaman, you cannot marry a woman without gills. You're from two different worlds!
Perhaps that's why Erik has gotten the Bret edit.
As much as I'd like to see him win, mostly I just want to see him get a chance to make his case to the jury. The outcome wouldn't matter to me that much (although I imagine it would to him, hi Cochran!). That's my rooting interest - that he sticks around long enough to make funny confessionals, and then hopefully…
The time to revolt is the merge episode, when everyone is still feeling each other out and you can exercise some jury control with who goes home over the next several weeks. Nine should, theoretically, be a good place for an overthrow, but four is a really lousy number to put on the jury that are going to be pissed…
Cochran is going to be in a lot of danger towards the endgame. He has something of a Malcolm (Phillippines Malcolm) problem to deal with, in that at 5 and especially 4, he's going to be extremely vulnerable.
The thing where they make someone trade a bought item for food for the whole tribe is complete bullshit. The idea is that it's sort of vaguely supposed to be buying goodwill for you from everyone else, but that dissipates in 5 minutes. Meanwhile, if someone were to take the other option, they'd be immediately…
I said the same thing to my TV about Cochran's misreading of the Monte Hall problem, but then I felt kind of bad about myself.
For Erik it definitely didn't make sense to flip, since the remainders of the tribe minus the bros are all physically weaker than him, and an immunity run to Final Tribal is not completely impossible. For Sherri it might have made a tiny bit of sense, I guess, but there's lousy history between her and the two…
Aw, poor dumbfaced Carter. Shafted in the edit.