
When Savage did the same thing in Pearl Islands to Skinny Ryan, he got the hero edit because Skinny Ryan was just some kid and Savage was one of Probst's perfect Alpha Male assholes. Now that it's Stephen, someone the audience likes, he will presumably get a less favorable edit.

I despise Redemption Island.  It's become something that I think actively harms any season it's in, and I don't think the twist this season is remotely good enough to justify it.  And I am mostly negative on the returning players, with the possible exceptions of the two winners, Aras and Tina.  I do have a modicum of

I really, really dislike this season, and it's not just because of my piece of shit fantasy team but that ain't helping matters.

Even though I am sick as a dog I am coming in here so people can dance on my putrid corpse.  My team is exactly as much of a catastrophe as I imagined.


These are terrible choices and I immediately regret them but at least my team has a theme.

Am I really going to do this?

Cool.  Thanks for doing it again.

Yes.  Are we doing this on the message board again?


Man I have fallen behind on podcasts over the last couple of weeks, but I figured that as That One Guy I might as well check in.  I should probably expedite listening to this one at least.

I mean, I'd obviously read it, although this is the sort of project that is more suited to being blogged.

What I remember of HvV, and obviously this is having not watched it since it aired, is that Rupert made a sort of half-hearted attempt to bring Sandra in to the Heroes group and turn them against Russell, but his comfort in his group (and his vague distrust of Sandra) made him not work that angle nearly as hard as he

I am completely in the tank for Amazon, which not only had a bunch of really great characters but is the first season where the boot order really went completely sideways after the merge.

She's my pre-season pick to have the biggest boobs.

Tontine, Jesus, that is a serious deep cut.

Nope.  That is not possible.  Nope.  You're a liar.  A fucking liar.

I think All-Stars is kind of awful.

Sandra told Rupert, flat-out, that Russell couldn't be trusted and the Villains were hatching a plan, and Rupert blew it off until it was too late to do anything about it.  He wasn't terrible in HvV, but he had a few chances to change things and he fumbled them all.

It was endearing back in 2000, when LGBT rights, as we understand them now, were still in much more of a nascent form, and some old military guy forming a friendship with a gay guy seemed sort of vaguely sweet.  13 years later, his shtick is deader than dead, and only Survivor hasn't gotten the message.