I think it depends if LW1's coworker/friend was told her AA was a secret and also about the importance of sobriety, for some people are truly ignorant, often from lack of exposure to the topic (as you can tell the advice giver is).
I think it depends if LW1's coworker/friend was told her AA was a secret and also about the importance of sobriety, for some people are truly ignorant, often from lack of exposure to the topic (as you can tell the advice giver is).
Just to be annoying, I have to point out your misspelling of "cuckold" in case that wasn't on purpose. What is that phrase from, anyway?
I think a mens' version of Jez would be fine, I just don't think there'd be enough interest. I can't even imagine what articles would be featured there besides the dating/bars topic you mentioned or the male version of "Make googly eyes with Tom Hiddleston" (which is usually just a headline for a celeb gossip…
I thought she meant bra, but really, my guess is as good as yours (if not, worse). :)
Like a broken record, these church guys.
People must never forget Mr. Nice Pope is an advocate and protector of his institution first, "nice guy, righter of wrongs" second.
This shit's never gonna change, They just pretend to address it every so often. "We're working on it" wink, wink. The church protects its pedos more than Reddit does.
Apologies, I had no idea pedo pope was so huge and I've just missed the edit buzzer.
You're a pussyholic. B+ for effort.
If commenters were fine with policing their own comments, we wouldn't need all these idiotic iterations of Kinja.
Maybe Denton will actually give a shit if he sees this stuff.
Mommy can tell her daughter all day long she's perfect, but if mommy's constantly criticizing herself, baby picks up on it from a very young age and mimics (of course this also applies to daddies, and close peers, etc.). I point out mommy because a daughter would identify with her first.
I agree, he comes off believable, with all that incessant wailing, but I felt the same things you did, when paying close attention to the thought processes behind those words. That bit about running his hands under the curtain to see if she was hiding there? Why the heck wouldn't she answer his calls and be hiding, if…
And though he may come off as a sympathetic character to some, I think his uncontrolled gush of emotions should work against him, imagine how out of control he'd be when enraged and with a gun.
I found it amusing that she stood straight up and he let out one last wail. I couldn't read her face, but felt like she was rolling her eyes on the inside, while professionally keeping a straight face, thinking, this baby will tire of crying eventually.
Oh, oops. Your way sounds right. :)
The thing about a sleepwalking defense is that sleep science is advanced enough (luckily) to tell if you're a sleepwalker. They test your brain waves while asleep. Any proclaimed sleepkiller that doesn't exhibit specific characteristics wouldn't fly on saying it was just this once.
Death is gut punching. Rewording it doesn't bring her back. Changing it is a topic of nothingness.
The placebo group would be the control if they were actually testing anything. I'm curious what results an LSD patch experiment would show.