Caity Weaver calls it do-do diligence.
Caity Weaver calls it do-do diligence.
Ha, I'm no one to judge. I had a long term ex that wasn't nearly as good looking as this cat and had a relatively unpleasant demeanor as well. :)
One of the ground rules could be he doesn't initiate conversation outside of dirty talk.
Was he always disapproving and never happy? Or just extremely white and furry?
Because porn.
It brings a tear to my eye and also a little retching.
Effin', right?! 19 year old paramedic student, of all things. She fully supports him, of course.
Yuck, indeed. I'm not even totally against the "disability contributing to fear" angle, if it wasn't 100% opposite his entire persona and he wasn't such a proficient gun enthusiast.
I believe she's a victim, too. The bad people ruin it for everyone. It's a sad world when trusting someone gets you called a fool.
That's rough. At least you get a Deadspin shout out.
I know! Probably manslaughter at best, considering how the courts have given him preferential treatment so far. Since when does house arrest allow you to travel to another country (where he met the new gf)? And what's all this talk about him being sad his mom died when he was 15, as if that's relevant at all.
It's not illegal to ask someone for money who's willing to hand it over. Madoff broke numerous ponzi scheme/financial laws posing as a legit financial institutions.
She's pointing out how the sentence implies the women were suspects vs. the guy being the suspect (now convict).
Like murderer TJ Lane?
I'm glad it's 3 assessors deciding his fate than some dopey American jury (I'm including myself as an American). Some commenters here seem ready to acquit him based on the crying/gagging alone.
He plays to the audience very well. Watch him get a slap on the wrist. 10 years probation or something.
It's abuser mentality (oh I didn't mean to smash your face in, I just couldn't control myself). Believing your own excuses. She's to blame for making him jealous. He believes he doesn't deserve to go to prison (I'm not really a murderer, things just got out of hand).
I had a feeling his main case would be highlighting how his disability contributed to his feeling terrorized. It's the pity defense all the way.
The pain comes from pulling out your hair from the root. It cannot be avoided but as DangerTits said, things like powder (helps wax grab the hair better) and applying pressure (no idea what this does exactly) can help minimize the pain. I'm not familiar with the soy wax, so hopefully someone can speak to that. As far…
Nice! I love when men get the waxing experience, especially when it helps them understand what many women go through. Seriously, make sure your loofah (or whatever implement you use) is super clean, as bacteria and dead skin are enemies to your virginal skin right now.