Don't doubt for one second she's not also a Google shill.
Don't doubt for one second she's not also a Google shill.
When you get excited about a Jez headline, take it down 2 notches.
David Blaine did it.
Suing for $500,000 makes her the butt of the joke here. I've been spanked by amateurs harder than that. The headline made me think someone was going to get impaled. Yawn.
I used to really like her, too.
I have high hopes! I believe Cho's sought after enough to pass up opportunities he finds lame.
Who can forget any of the contradictory hypocritical bullshit Jez pulls? I and others have directly notified Nick Denton about the dismissal of valued contributors in the comment section (which is most rampant in Jez vs. the rest of Gawker) and provided specific examples.
I'm still convinced Go On would've lasted longer, had Cho been given a bigger/better part.
True, though Selfie (albeit an extremely annoying word) can potentially have broader meaning than Cougar Town.
I used to love Gimmie a Break! What was that name referring to, anyway?
Now I'm trying to move my lips with only the surrounding muscles. I feel like I have perma mushy duckface, which is what botox-lipped people look like.
Most people who induce vomiting on the regular are bulimics (or EDNOS).
Induced vomiting is a form of self harm.
Forced vomiting is a form of self harm.
That is exactly what it looks like. We recovering bulimics know it when we see it.
Bulimia as "art" is not ok. It sickens me to see that pic on Jez's front page.
That Jez cover photo needs to be changed, too.
I know, I was a big LOST fan and thought you were joking since it was referenced in the 1st paragraph and also mentioned ad nauseum everywhere else.
I agree. If the post is neither interesting, humorous, nor informative, and in bad taste to boot, it shouldn't go up.
Sounds so familiar... It was about corruption in Malaysia, right? Eerie.