Now that you mention it, please give me a few moments to whip myself into frenzied outrage.
Now that you mention it, please give me a few moments to whip myself into frenzied outrage.
Weird, I know. My theory is, they are so cute we (especially kids) must be reminded of the dangers.
Yeah, and that thing was gigantic! He got a lot of hate messages, but he said he was running on pure adrenaline and just reacted to save Toaster (obv not the name of a fighter). Who wouldn't?
We're told from a young age never to go near them because of rabies. Also, supposedly they raid your garbage and spread it all over the lawn or something, if the lid's not secure. Are you from Australia? or Denmark? Totally random guesses.
This guy had to save his doggie, Toaster.
This must be what heaven's like.
First it's toothpaste, next it's peoplepaste!
Raccoons should not be pets. This is bad advice.
Social media definitely adds an extra layer. Like, before FB, you wouldn't even know about this sketchy behavior (I don't know how upfront he was to your face, but I'm thinking probably not), so is it better or worse to know? I'm thinking better, but sometimes it does feel like ignorance is bliss.
Screw that jerkoff — omitting pics, seriously?! I don't think FB has created more assholes, it just gives them more creative outlets for asshole-ish behavior. We are all BK girl, deep down inside. :)
That bad, really? I'm curious, how so? Like, lack of women or men you desire or weird interests or everybody's boring or something? I personally find the city very small, but that's only coming from a move from Manhattan.
You must be a supreme Lifehacker and not even know it! I actually know the exact comment that got me in the black - it's all been downhill from there. :)
From easiest to most difficult in SF: Adopting a kitty —> Finding attractive men to date —> Finding great new lady friends.
That makes sense, but if the jury doesn't agree on 1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree, it's a mistrial (I am basing this 'knowledge' on another person's comment)? Wouldn't that almost guarantee a mistrial?
I know, even just today I saw a long thread (meaning many replies to the main commenter) where everyone was Black status, yet the main commenter was Gray (aka invisible). Honestly, there's no reason to try to understand it now, since the new system seems quite different.
You have an infection on a molar but all your wisdom teeth are fine? Sux - I blame your parents (aka gene givers). I can't even imagine a whole extra set of molars/wisdom teeth right now, seems like a pain to brush. Also doesn't help the whole blow job teething issue.
Are you a relatively new user? Your comments in the old posting system most likely have shown up at the bottom, in gray font (versus full black font status), if you're new. The new system seems totally different anyways, so it's kind of pointless to go into.
Fourth class, I wish! Right now, I'm feeling more like 4th dimension. Like a wrinkle in time.
To help you, directly from Kinja helppage. Picture this upside-down.
Ohhhh, replacement molars totally makes sense. I figured the bigger mouth thing, but never grasped why that would be. I thought maybe eating less meat, but actually, it's canines for meat, and molars for plant chewing.