Denton needs to know it reminds you of AOL. :) But actually, he doesn't care.
Denton needs to know it reminds you of AOL. :) But actually, he doesn't care.
Mary-Grace! Excellent question, because I'm a fabulous Forever Gray like you. I just posted a question to Denton on the Kinja thread because I noticed there's no such thing as Gray in the new format. But...big, big, BUTT, I've noticed Grays (I'm calling them secret Grays since they don't actually appear Gray) still…
If you're a straight (I'm only assuming this cause you don't say, and I can speak to this), 28 yr old woman working in tech, I think you'd have no problem meeting great guys to date and turn into relationships (straight girl here who found it way harder to date in NYC than SF). For me it was because I preferred the SF…
Don't be shy, raise your hand up high! :) But wouldn't you still identify as (technically) single (not in relationship)?
Yes, they look super awesome (and somewhat gnarly)! I had no idea you could bleach them so clean. Also, I wonder why most people need their molars out nowadays - no more hunting/gathering?
I think I've heard of that rose gimmick! It's from Wanna Gettin Yorpants Inc.
I think it's similar to NYC with a lot of young transplants and so much variety, many people are looking for the next best thing, or wandering eye. I also think singles prefer living in these cities, so like attracts like, and super serious relationships often move outside of the city proper to 'settle down.'
Ok, I think I get it — it's not just percentage of singles vs. non-single. It's "rate of formation," so more like rate of change - singles becoming partnered (admittedly, I did not read, only glanced at the diagonal thingy).
Also, what's so bad about being a zombie during the zombie apocalypse?
Excellent combo of typo+autocorrect. I had no idea whose birthday it was.
The pus popping vids on youtube are way grosser.
Yes, they should just be allowed to grow out. I know he claims to not have trichotillomania, but this shit can manifest in many ways, including this way. If it's doesn't detrimentally affect his life, it's manageable.
21 years is the max sentence (technically) there?! And they don't add on for multiple murders (for example in the U.S. you could get 3 life sentences for killing 3 people)?
Oh yeah, I've had those exact same "what ifs." Thanks for talking... I need to step away from this right now, too. Would love for increased awareness, education, and spreading of knowledge (of all topics concerning the issue) to help other women.
Thank you for expanding on your thoughts. I find you sharing your experience infinitely valuable, and you're right about how these issues are too often treated with a simplistic narrative. I'm seeing more clearly how the arguments are way too focused only on the fetus in the womb versus the realities of the before…
You're right. In all my fervor of debating hypotheticals, I sort of forgot that we live in the real world. Even in my extremely liberal city it can take around 2-3wks to get an appointment at a clinic, I can't imagine the nightmare many women have to go through in areas with little or zero options.
Wow, that was really well said. "There is no "just" to "just give the baby up for adoption."" So terrible how your parents made you feel - way to pile on the pain, people (I have parents/relatives that love to say similar terrible things, when they should just keep their coldhearted traps shut).
I agree it has to be acknowledged that any cutoff date is somewhat arbitrary (20 wks vs. 24wks? It's not entirely unlike cutoff ages for statutory rape, IMO).
Yes, Funyuns, that was definitely KevJumba. Good eye!
Was that KevJumba in the 2nd vid?