
If that’s wrong, I don’t want to be right. I’d be happy if she woke up one morning, realized what a cretin she is, and blew her brains out.

I’m still bitter about Jo and Laurie not ending up together, so thanks but no thanks.

If I was a wizard, I’d give Vankypoo her old face back, just for laughs.

Not one fucking thing, apparently. We can’t even go a single day without one of those assclowns being a national embarrassment.

She always looks like she’s desperately trying to suppress a wet, loud fart. Sadly, her fart has a twitter account and calls himself the president.

Unbelievable. Yet somehow totally believable.

After he smothered it in ketchup.

I wonder what Granny Weatherwax would have to say about this.

HAHAHAHAHA! Suck it, Perez Hilton.


Jackie Kennedy’s face was kind of fug, so I agree. I also absolutely agree about Michelle. She’s magnificent.

Same here. Michelle is everything.

I adore how she’s leaning away from him. God, imagine going to Hawaii and being stuck with that orange thing? *Shudder*

And now I’m crying into my cornflakes. GWB wasn’t a good president but he’s a good human being.

I want him to die (of natural causes) in the most humiliating, painful, pants-shittingest way. Like, I want him to die of explosive diarrhea, at one of his “rallies,” while the very people who voted for him laugh themselves sick at his pants-shitting.

I bet I can guess who that asswipe voted for!

God, I forgot how cute Mariah was before she got those horrendous implants.

None of you can see me right now, but I’m flipping off that fat orange maggot with both hands. Hard. Because fuck that guy (only not literally, because fucking ewww).

These guys ALWAYS look like their family trees are twigs. There’s no forking going on, whatsoever.

To me he always looks like he reeks of a dirty catheter and old cheese.