
Beautiful! Usually Moschino looks tacky or too kitschy for me (didn’t Katy Perry famously wear some horrible looking stuff for them?), but this gown (and Zendaya) is gorgeous.

Like, get out of my life. A ten dollar vibrator can replace you.

Life’s too short to be dealing with those dudes. I’d rather have no sex than sex with a guy who is all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

i’ve only been in hetero sexual encounters, but i’m willing to go out on a limb and say this is an almost exclusively straight boy thing used to excuse poor performance/laziness/disinterest in a woman’s pleasure. mainly because if you say “um, no?” they are like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I know I’ve been in a LTR for a while but I feel like that question should not be asked. Unless the person is soooo animated throughout the entire experience that you can’t tell so therefore you gotta ask.

Take your fucking time! You will know if you hit the spot. Jfc they pop their head up asking “Did you cum?” like NO?!!?? You impatient bastard.


No, it did not. She came back with statements from her psychiatrist/doctor/children’s teachers/family and also photos of her many injuries.

Yep. Because part of sexism is telling women we should compete instead of collaborate. Because if we collaborated we’d overthrow the patriarchy, so.

His liver is just the tip of the iceberg. Even functional alcoholics tend to have odd eating and sleeping habits that revolve around making life work despite the drinking - calorie restriction to maintain weight, little tricks to maintain energy through a hangover. Eating nothing but McDonalds isn’t healthy for

If the rules were changed after this guy acquired his “collection”, I’d feel bad for him. But the rug hasn’t been pulled out from under him. This wasn’t allowed the entire time. Even then, this is a junkyard, not a maintained collection... hell, this isn’t a “when I find time...” collection.

A girlfriend just finalised her divorce from her physically, emotionally and financially abusive husband. The prick and his c%nt of a lawyer thought that it was a winning idea if he’d put himself into therapy and admit all of “faults and failings” as a man and husband (his words not mine) before the horrific abuse and

A commenter said something on another article that they wouldn’t be surprised if he makes a documentary out of this scandal, and I was thinking it really does seem like something he would do.

This is exactly why I extricated myself from geek culture a long time ago. Although the seeds of it definitely were present in the ‘90s, at some point in the ‘00s geekdom became a den of truly vile misogyny, which reared its head publicly with Gamergate. And, of course, since this was a movement full of resentful

Also, I saw someone point out that Spurlock’s comment about being alcoholic for the past 30 years really undermines Super Size Me, since at one point in the film a doctor says that his liver “looks like an alcoholic’s” after eating McDonald’s for so long. Like... damn. We now know that he was an alcoholic. That’s not

Spurlock and his ilk are doing exactly what my ex used to do: preemptively come out and admit shitty behavior, verbally and publicly self-flagellate, agree with every assessment critics make about their character so they don’t have to listen, and hijack the conversation to talk about what huge assholes they were, but

Counterpoint: It’s impossible to work in a collaborative industry during the holidays, because your collaborators have all left.

Phil Hartman’s Sinatra was better than Sinatra’s Sinatra.

Lots of snark in the replies, but I will add one thing. If you’re someone who works a lot better when people aren’t bothering you, the last two weeks of the year are great for getting stuff done. I preferred to take my time off in the spring and summer.

Alternatively, just buy the easy, foolproof grocery store ones. Unless you’re talking about the grocery store ones, and you’re having trouble getting them to stand up? Because that would take some kind of talent!