Holy shit you white-washed this cast.
Don’t do brownface ever at all is actually a good tenet by which to live one’s life
I don’t disagree. HOWEVER there is a bit of a chicken/egg phenomenon happening here. Sometimes you can’t watch the women’s game on TV because it is not being shown. Therefore of course it is not going to get revenue dollars because it is not getting any exposure. Then we can point to their lack of revenue dollars as…
My feelings toward her started to soften with Caitlyn Jenner and with the people who listen to NPR having a mental breakdown when she appeared on their show. Come on, she’s not punching kittens.
Sheeeeee’s a model, specifically (and often) a swimsuit model. Her job is to literally show her body. “Putting them away” would mean no longer being a model. I don’t see how that diminishes her ideas.
Some of us had no dolls, just the books and a subscription to American Girl magazine.
This actually really pisses me off. We lobbied for the $20, to replace a bad dude who didn’t favor paper currency and would likely have hated being on it. Easy decision, right? Nope. Instead they give us the $10 - a less popular currency - and we have to fucking share it with the dude already on it. Gee. Thanks.
This isn’t about a white woman trapped in a black woman’s body. This is about a woman who lied about everything she was and is. Even passing off different people as her father and children. This is about lying. That’s it. She lied about who she is, what she is and where she came from.
First your comment on Kara’s article, now this.... Rachel, is that you?
oh yeah i’m kidding. i mean, this is not making me think TOO much that i didn’t already think
... but. she didn’t grow up facing discrimination or being held back because of her skin color.
We can always tell. I have a bunch of cousins that are her color. My own daughter is very fair with straight hair. I’m medium brown with 4c hair. I took one look at her and went, ‘yep, white.’
Probs not tho for the exact reasons I just laid out.
It was already annoying being mixed and looking white without this “tragic faux-latto” bullshit in the news.
I don’t know if you’re black or not, but as a reminder: I am.
The problem is not that she’s a white person leading an NAACP chapter. The problem is that she’s a white person who seemingly lied about being black and then headed an NAACP chapter.
Still a better love story than Twilight.