and “Fetal Red Bull Syndrome”
“Cleopatricia Sherman”
As a full developed human being it turns out I’m capable of doing both!
Except...he literally throws her. He doesn’t drop her, he throws her. That’s the issue. In the commercial it’s parodying, the guy simply can’t catch his wife, but there is no intent to harm her. Here there is. Not very difficult to see.
I entirely support his right to have biological kids...with someone else. If Loeb wants children, he should find an egg donor.
If I were Sofia I would eat those fucking embryos on toast like they were fucking caviar.
Maybe one of the dozen or so women he cheated with is willing to have his kid?
This is purely about him having some form of control over her life. He is a 40 year old man with money, his sperm is most likely fine or at least good enough to IVF another set of embryos with an egg donor and then implant into a surrogate; but no, he wants the DNA of his ex-fiancee so he can forever be linked to her.
I don’t know how to feel about this. Other than to say I have had a massive crush on Stephen Merchant since The Office.
“Steve, leave that human alone, you don’t know where it’s been.”
I don’t understand? Is she screaming like that because she’s scared of it? She keeps freaking out that she can see it and that it’s big and she wants to get out of the water, but then when it comes close she says she’s going to touch it and it looks like she reaches out for it? I have a hard time believing that anyone…
“WERE YOU RAISED IN A GODDAMN K-MART?!” is my new go-to.
Hear, hear! However, let’s take this one step further. I would go so far to say that WOMEN are a myth. I mean, I’m not a woman. Therefore, are there women? I find this so called “women exist” narrative just doesn’t hold water.
I have a theory about people who become wildly successful/famous on the level that Steve has achieved: their relationship with their past, pre-fame and success, is an either or proposition. Either they embrace it. Or they shed it like a snake sheds its skin, leaving it in the middle of the road, to dry up and blow…
Clever girl
Fuck em. Burn em down. Burn the frats all down. Nationally, no more frats. Fuck you all if you were in one.
I kinda dig it. I like that SJP takes risks. I get a very bad ass Eleanor of Aquitaine vibe from it.