
Ummmm...if I heard someone say that "abortion has become so easy," I'd probably pounce on their ass too. Easy for whom, exactly?

Little kids cry all the time for nonsense reasons, you don't have to treat every moment like their emotional future is IN THE BALANCE.

I might agree with you that it is "too inspirational" if it were a work of fiction. Like, if someone just made this story up to force down our throats the idea that "anything is possible!", I would be gagging and calling it out as ridiculously unrealistic. But it happened. He actually lived through that shit. You

I just hope the movie leaves out the part with the duck. I kinda wanted to vomit.

How is suggesting that the way higher education handles rape is a crisis trolling? It sounds like they're addressing not just the issue that it exists, but the way it's handled?

Hipster Elizabeth Bathory says "I was into this before it was cool."

Because World War II was an event that touched every living person on the planet in some way (hence the title "world") and women make up roughly half of the world's population, you could absolutely create curriculum that was half about what women were doing that time.

Actually, the list of job requirements, include the hygiene and behavioral codes, is directly tied to whether these ladies were employees, independent contractors or volunteers. Employment law arcana, maybe, but definitely relevant to the legal case. I think the level of detail, particularly vis-a-vis firing

If it will cheer you up, here's a still of the judge listening to his version of events.

I'm all for gun restrictions for people who take Ambien; that is a crazy-ass drug that makes you do crazy-ass shit you have no recollection of. I had to stop taking Ambien (even though it helped me sleep like nothing has since, and even though tripping is fun) because I was sick of roofie-ing myself every night,

I genuinely think it's awesome, which is why I called it awesome several times. At the same time, its a rather privileged battle to fight.

OH BOY! MHP is my FAVE. I can't even think of a question. I'm just so excited about this.

So you assume that people mistreated her and that's why she became a nonbeliever? I'm not sure if that just shows how many Christians mistreat others or that you're making quite a lot of assumption there.

I like to think that by summing up all of the gossip mags, Jez actually prevents a lot of people from going out and buying them, since they can just read the info online. Plus Jez probably spends $20 total a week on them, which is the tiniest drop in the bucket.

I'd argue that our relentless critiques of the tabloids are, and have always been, an attempt to discredit and dismantle them, as well as other products directly and aggressively marketed to women. That said, I/we/readers still enjoy celebrity news. The lines shift, and that is part of the story. I've worked here

Ashley Wagner's hand-wringing about dodgy scores and shady decisions seems really rich, given the circumstances surrounding her inclusion into the Olympic team.

What goes around comes around.

I think the pill is great..for those who don't have many sustained side-effects. Unfortunately, it's just not for me. I have tried four different variations of birth control pills, and my side effects were pretty awful. I gave up on it many years ago.

"Friends" bolted after she shared the pictures? Who the fuck does that? The internet blows my mind yet again.

This is amazing. However, if she herself says she doesn't consider herself a survivor of breast cancer, is it really fitting to call her one in the headline?